Bring SEO details - keywords, domains & URL data
SEMrush is a popular SEO tool that specializes in keyword research, competitor analysis and Google Ad campaign optimization
Now, you can easily pull SEMrush data directly to your stack via SEMrush API integration. With this you can track your SEO metrics, Keyword Analysis and Paid Keywords analysis as well.
Build your keyword research tracker in seconds -
Get domain overview
Get domain overview by domain and country code
Reference Input column: Domain URL, Country Code
Output: Overview of the domain like (Keyword, traffic, cost)
Get popular keywords by domain
Get popular keywords search on google by domain and country code
Reference Input column: Domain URL, Country Code
Output: List of popular organic keywords for that domain
Get popular paid keywords by domain
Get popular paid keyword search on google by domain and country code
Reference Input column: Domain URL, Country Code
Output: List of popular paid keywords for that domain
Get unique pages of a given domain
Get unique pages of given domain by country code
Reference Input column: Domain URL, Country Code
Output: List of unique pages for that domain
Get summary of keywords by domain
Get summary of keywords of given domain by country code
Reference Input column: Keyword, Country code
Output: Get summary of keywords for that domain
Get domains based on broad matches
Get domain based on the broad matches and search query by country code
Reference Input column: Keyword, Country Code
Output: List of domains based on broad matches for the keyword
Get phrase question list by keyword
Get phrase questions list by country code
Reference Input column: Keyword, Country Code
Output: List of phrase questions for SEO based on the keyword
Get keywords difficulty level
Get keyword difficulties level by country code
Reference Input column: Keyword, Country Code
Output: Get difficulty score for that keyword
Get keywords list that brings user by domain
Get keyword list that bring users of url by country code
Reference Input column: Domain URL, Country Code
Output: List of keywords that brings most users for that domain
Get keywords list that bring users via paid search by domain
Get keyword list that bring users via paid search of url by counrty code
Reference Input column: Domain URL, Country Code
Output: List of paid keywords that brings most users for that domain
Get summary of backlinks by domain
Get summary of backlinks by domain
Reference Input column: Domain URL
Output: Get summary of the backlinks for that domain
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