Boost Revenue and Reduce Costs with Sales CRM & Automation

Keep your cross-functional Sales teams in sync and execute mundane and time consuming tasks with software built exactly as per your business needs. Bring your sales teams and data in one place and reduce chances of errors in your workflows.

Trusted by over 10000 companies of all sizes

Build your Sales Pipeline from Start to End

Track the source of every deal, assign priority status to each deal, monitor the current status of all deals and the expected sales value and weighted value all in one place.

Automate Building Lead Lists

Plan and execute an effective B2B lead generation and email marketing campaigns, import your data in real-time from custom forms, workflow automation tools and enrich data using API connectors.

Bring your complete sales data together

Bring all your contacts, companies, assets, opportunities in a single place and collaborate with your team to close more deals.

Report like no other

Build custom reporting dashboards to track the key metrics like total deals closed, deals by statuses, deal velocity, goal tracking and generate output like no other.

Start your Sales Automation Journey using Pre-Built Templates

Our sales templates are easy to customize and user-friendly. Start building your your custom sales workflows today.

Connect to best services and automate work

Integrate with the latest apps, bring all your data in one place and gain valuable insights in just one click.

Learn more About Sales Enablement & Automation


(How to) Build your Personal CRM, Manage your deal-flow and assets.


Learn How to Build & Manage your Custom Sales Pipeline


Get Started & Learn How to Build Automated Workflows


How can I build a custom Sales CRM for my business?

Stackby let's you build your custom sales CRM by allowing you to customize your database with 25+ unique column types, 6 different views (Grid, Kanban, Calendar, Forms, Gallery etc.), sales reporting dashboards via Apps Marketplace and more Powerups that you can use for your workflows. With all these building blocks, you can completely customize your sales workflows for your team regardless of your industry, give your team members right access they need and start increasing your revenue with Stackby.

Can I use it as a full-fledged CRM?

Yes! Except that we don't have a native email integration. You can use Stackby to manage your customer data, build custom sales pipeline, manage your sales assets, automate & verify your lead lists, handle your deal-flow and use it as a lightweight or a complex CRM for your business. We've seen companies do all of the above for their Sales teams on Stackby.

How does sales workflow automation work with Stackby?

Stackby lets you automate Sales Pipeline creation and management, maintain customer relationship management systems, and generate new leads every day without breaking a sweat. You can achieve this via building custom forms, bringing your leads from other systems using Zapier & similar or even importing directly from spreadsheets. All of this requires no coding and you can start with one of the pre-built templates in minutes.

I have additional questions, can you help?

Our team is always ready to help! Just reach out to us on support chat, check out our help center or learn with your video tutorials on YouTube. If you’re interested in learning how Stackby works for larger teams, please contact our Sales team. If you’re an existing Stackby customer, we’re just an email or chat away. 

Start building in Stackby today