
Google Translate

Translate text between English and 100+ languages

  • Overview
  • Available API Functions
  • Resources

Google Translate is a free multilingual machine translation service developed by Google, to translate text. Now language no barrier. Translate your column text to 100+ languages with Google Translate API integration.

You can integrate Google Translate to Stackby to pull in all the translations that you need automatically.

Build you custom translator in Stackby -

  • Connect your workspace with Google Translate
  • Punch in the String (text). 
  • Connect column to Google Translate API
  • Select your target language and get translated text instantly.

Best for marketers and e-commerce companies to get translations done in seconds and push it to other tools to create powerful automated workflows.

Available API Functions


Translate text between English and 100+ languages

Reference Input column: String

Output: Translated text

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