Creativity without structure will seldom help you reach your desired objective. Oftentimes the ad agencies get caught up in problems like inadequate data reporting or finding the right inspiration in the ever-changing super competitive marketing industry. Stackby offers you a robust structure with our Advertising Agency Workflow Process Template. This template helps you keep a track of your advertising projects and manage your ad agency in one single platform.
An ad agency workflow is a series of steps followed by the advertising agency to fulfill their business goals. This workflow may include content creation, art direction, search engine optimization, accounting as well as ad distribution. Streamlining the ad agency process flow helps the managers or team leaders to synchronize the different activities and create a process.
The creative workflow process of any advertising agency involves certain fundamental steps:
A well-planned creative flow chart will help your advertising agency produce and deliver quality products to your clients and improve your ad agency’s efficiency and popularity.
Establishing this agency process workflow and keeping track of it to get the desired results can occasionally prove to be difficult for your advertising agency.
Well, we at Stackby, have come to your rescue! Put on your creative hats and get to work with our tailor-made Advertising Agency Workflow Process Template for your ad agency! With multiple clients and an even greater number of ads, you can use our workflow process template to streamline your advertising agency creative process and achieve your goal.
You can use our template to:
This template will be best used by Advertising agencies, SEO agencies, creative agencies, marketers, and startups.
The advertising agency workflow process template includes 4 tables:
This table includes the details of all the requirements for a client’s ad project like the name of the requirement, status (reviewed, in-process, done, to-do, etc.). It defines which team member is responsible for fulfilling which requirement.
This table describes the specifications of every ad being created along with its budget, format, status and the person responsible for the ad.
It includes the project calendar to help your team stay on track and follow deadlines.
It includes the details of all the team members, their title and responsibilities.
This free advertising agency workflow process template with a simple and easy-to-use interface will be a game-changer for your operations. It is a one-stop solution to all your workflow problems! Use it now and experience the difference!
Read more: How to Manage an Advertising Agency
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