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B2B Lead Generation Template

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B2B Lead Generation Template
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The marketing world in a dynamic arena that is constantly changing every minute. With technology becoming an integral part of our everyday routine, companies have increased their focus on online marketing. Companies are likely to spend more than 90 percent of their marketing budget on digital strategies in the coming years.

With new strategies and avenues taking over the online marketing arena, is email marketing still relevant? 

The answer is yes! And so is our B2B Lead Generation Template.

It is a cost-effective and easy-to-use marketing strategy that continues to be relevant even today. It allows you to send personalized content to potential clients and increases your brand awareness. With a click rate six times greater than that of tweets, emails help drive your website traffic. 

What is the most critical aspect of planning & executing an effective B2B lead generation campaign?

The email lead list! Without a well-maintained database of email addresses, how will you conduct an email campaign? Gathering and collecting maximum potential customers’ email addresses will increase the scope and extent of your marketing strategy.

Email lists allow you to segregate and focus on individuals who are most likely to show an interest in your product. It is also essential to make sure that your email lead list has been verified and checked to eliminate any defunct email addresses.

How to create an email list? With the help of Hunter Email Finder, you can generate the most extensive email list ever! Hunter Email Finder is one of the most accurate and widely used tools today.

Facing difficulty keeping track of all your generated leads? The days of going through multiple scattered databases for your email campaign are over! Stackby has developed its own Lead List Builder Template. You can now store and update all your lead lists on one platform using the B2B Lead Generation Template.

The Lead List Builder Template will allow you to import all your data from Hunter Email Finder API directly to your template. The entire process is automated, and you don’t have to do the same work manually anymore.

Using our B2B Lead generation template, you can:

  • Automatically bring email IDs from your leads using Hunter email finder API. 
  • Store your target lead list generated using Hunter email finder.
  • Record the details concerning each company URL
  • Check whether a particular email address has been verified or not.
  • Track the deliverability of each email address.
  • Record the confidence score of the email addresses.
  • Check if the given address is deliverable or risky.
  • Assign a reach status to each email (Yes/ No).
  • Track the total emails available for a particular company in the Hunter database.
  • Check whether they belong to the executive, marketing, or HR category.
  • Keep your lead list current and updated.

Stackby’s Lead List Builder Template is a one-stop solution to all your email campaigning problems! Check out this quick use-case video on how you can automate your email lead lists and build your B2B lead generation process.

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