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Growth Hacking Experiments Template

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Growth Hacking Experiments Template
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Are you looking for new and innovative methods to increase the sale of your product and see your company grow? Let us introduce you to growth hacking experiments and the Growth Hacking Experiments Template.

What are growth hacking experiments?

Growth hacking is a relatively new concept. As the word suggests, growth hacking is solely concerned with the company’s growth. It involves a process where several experiments are conducted across a variety of channels to grow a business and expand its customer base.

The concept of growth hacking has been around for a few years and is a significant reason behind the success of some very well-known start-up companies. It is less concerned with the process and more focused on the ultimate goal.

While traditional marketing techniques aim to increase the traffic through your website, growth hacking, or growth marketing focuses on the entire customer journey. Growth hackers use data to track customers through their journey and conduct various experiments at each level to increase the overall growth of the company.

Growth hacking is a data-driven, full-funnel marketing strategy! You may be wondering what the funnel is? Let’s breakdown the various parts of a growth hacking funnel:

  • Awareness: Knowledge about your product. Are people aware of your product?
  • Acquisition: The step of first engagement. What do customers see when they sign up?
  • Activation: Did they sign-up for your product? What can you do to increase the chances that they will try out your product?
  • Retention: Do they come back and buy again? What can you do to increase customer retention?
  • Referral: Did they refer the product to their friends? How can you turn your current customers into channels of marketing?
  • Revenue: How can you increase the revenue stream of your company?

Due to its dynamic and experimental nature, keeping track of the entire process of growth hacking experimentation can be chaotic. Here’s Stackby’s Growth Hacking Experiments Template to the rescue!

With our customizable Growth Hacking Experiments Template, you can create, strategize, and implement your growth hacks with immense ease! Using the growth hacking template, you can:

  • Record all the growth hacking experiments planned and conducted.
  • Add notes to each one for a better understanding of the process.
  • Assign a category to each experiment (User Acquisition/ Automation/ Management/ Marketing/ Promotional Offer).
  • Keep track of the channels on which the growth hacks are applied (Facebook/ Twitter/ Instagram/ Email/ Paid Ads/ Product Interactions/ LinkedIn).
  • Track the funnel impact of each growth hack (High/ Medium/ Low).
  • Assign a team to each experiment.
  • Store the graphics related to each growth hacking experiment.
  • Track the start and end date of each and monitor the status of the same (Yet to Start/ Planning/ Ongoing/ Completed).

The Growth Hacking Experiment Template is highly customizable and can be modified to vibrate at the same frequency as your experiment, thereby ensuring that the whole workflow is as smooth as possible. Moreover, the recursive tasks can be automated for maximum efficiency.

Brainstorm ideas and experiments and implement them with minimum effort with Stackby’s Growth Hacking Experiments Template!

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