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Social Media Calendar Template

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Social Media Calendar Template
Use Template

Do you know what the key to a great social media marketing strategy is? It is how you plan and organize it. No matter how well you know your audience, gauge your competition, or create compelling content, if you have not planned your tasks well, all your efforts are in vain. Here is a Social Media Calendar Template that will help you align your social media tasks and track how your social media posts are performing.

1. Track: Keep a track of what’s working for your social media channels and what’s not. Keep up with your quality and consistency using a social media calendar template.

2. Regularise: Prevent yourself from posting too much or too little on social media and never miss a post date again.

3. Manage: Administer all your social media channels from a single social media calendar template and ensure that you are not spamming one social media network and neglecting others.

4. Research: Never post a poorly structured or poorly researched post again. Check spellings, grammar, and punchlines instantly.

What is a Social Media Calendar?

A social media calendar is an overview of your upcoming social media posts. Some common elements of a social media calendar are:

  • Date and time of when your post is going live
  • Social media channels on which the post will be published
  • Creative assets related to your social media post like images, videos, etc.
  • Links, tags, or keywords included in the post
  • Important metrics related to your social media posts

Why use a Social Media Calendar?

A social media calendar is a time-saving option. It helps you visualize the big picture and manage all your social media channels in one place. You can plan ahead and avoid multitasking. You can keep track of all the upcoming relevant moments and plan your posts accordingly. Last, but not least, you can create high-quality content every time and find out what’s working for you and what’s not. Our social media calendar template is designed to help you leverage all these benefits. If you are just beginning with creating a social media presence, you can also try our Social Media Planning and Design Template.

How to create a social media calendar?

Before you switch to using our pre-built social media calendar template, we want to share a few tips on how you can create a social media calendar.

1. Measure your current social media efforts

Start with setting up clear goals for your social media channels. Make sure you understand your audience, their demographics, and personas. Track your most successful posts and social media tactics.

2. Select your social media channels

Which social media channels do you want to monitor? Review the best marketing strategies associated with each channel.

3. Decide what data you need to track

Here are a few examples: post title, graphics, type of post, concept, channels, publish date, number likes, impressions, engagements, spendings, etc.

4. Create a workflow

You must decide a few things like how often you want to post on each channel, the best time to post on each channel, team members responsible for posts, the process of brainstorming new content, and so on.

5. Collaborate with your team

Once you have planned what you need to do and how it is time to bring all your team members to one platform. Stackby’s social media calendar template makes connecting and collaboration much easier.

Stackby also provides security and permissions features that will help you keep your data safe and secure and ensure that only authorized people can access it.

Who can use our Social Media Calendar Template?

A social media calendar template is generally used by social media managers and teams. However, Stackby’s social media calendar template can be used by:

  • Marketing teams who are managing different social media campaigns,
  • Agencies who are working with multiple clients for social media management,
  • Media organizations working to promote social media accounts of their clients,
  • Bloggers who manage their social media channels,
  • Business owners, social media influencers, and more!

How will Stackby’s Social Media Calendar Template Help You?

Our social media calendar template is designed to simplify the whole process of social media management. It helps you streamline your workflow in the following ways:

  • Manage all your social media posts on one platform
  • Store the images and graphics related to every post
  • Monitor the type of posts you create for every social media channel (paid campaign, organic, evergreen content, etc)
  • Track the leads associated with every social media post
  • Track the status and publish date of social media posts
  • Manage all your social media channels on one platform (number of posts, post titles, likes, etc)
  • Track social media metrics related to every channel (likes, shares or retweets, impressions, engagements, engagement rates, spendings, cost per engagement, etc)
  • Brainstorm social media post ideas with your team

No matter what your Social Media strategy is, the Stackby Social Media Management Stack helps you manage social media campaigns easily. You can also use our YouTube Channel Analytics, Facebook Posts Tracker, Twitter Posts Tracker, and LinkedIn Ads Tracker Templates to manage your social media channels individually.

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