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Blog Editorial Calendar Template

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Blog Editorial Calendar Template
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From small business owners, new start-up ventures to established multinational companies, everyone dedicates a significant portion of their time and resources towards blogging.

While new forms of online marketing are taking the digital world by storm, blogging continues to be one of the most trusted and widely used methods. In simple terms, a blog is an online journal or an informal article that gives detailed information on a particular topic or product.

Why do companies spend time and money blogging about their products or services?

Companies resort to a multitude of strategies to increase their presence and visibility on the world wide web. Blogging is one of them. So, how does blogging help a business grow?

  • Increases the credibility of a company by acting as a source of relevant and authentic information.
  • Plays a crucial role in Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The keywords used in your blog articles lead to high rankings in search engines like Google.
  • Increases the demand for your product/ service by attracting potential customers.
  • Contributes to enhancing brand loyalty and customer retention.
  • Directs and increases traffic to your website.
  • Benefits the company in the long term too as it is a permanent source of information.
  • Keeping your blog content updated helps the customers follow the work of your company and, in turn, leads to better customer relationships.

With social media marketing capturing most of the attention, it’s easy to forget about the impact of blogging. But blogs are the base that provides a strong foundation for the entire marketing strategy. This is where a blog editorial calendar template comes in handy.

Are you a freelancer with an interest in writing blogs or a copywriter in an established company providing content writing services? Regardless of the category you fall in, creating content that meets your client’s expectations is your primary responsibility. So, what do you do if you have too many clients asking you to write multiple blogs for them? Having a hard time keeping track of everything?

Well, don’t worry! With Stackby’s Blog Editorial Calendar Template, you can plan everything on a single interface!

Our Blog Editorial Calendar Template will enable you to:

  • Plan and manage your content writing work for multiple clients in one place.
  • Keep track of your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule and deadlines with the in-built calendar in the blog editorial template.
  • Monitor the blogs you and your team are currently working on and the level of difficulty of each.
  • Record the average CPC of each article.
  • Attach the graphics associated with each blog post and store the name of the designer.

Attach the target persona of each article to ensure that the blog content meets the expectation of the client.With Stackby’s Blog Editorial Calendar Template, you can plan and optimize your content writing strategy with minimum effort and reap the maximum benefit! Combine it with automated keyword research template & content marketing distribution template, to take your content marketing workflows to the next level.  

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