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Sales and CRM Templates

Boost sales and CRM efficiency with our database templates. Track leads, deals, contacts, opportunities, partnerships, invoices, and more with user-friendly solutions.

Press Release Request Management Template By Stackby Templates
Press Release Request Management
Public Relations has gained momentum these days. Bloggers, brands and almost every other online business wants to expand their PR outreach and find new platforms to showcase themselves. This is why PR agencies get numerous requests every day and sometimes managing these requests can become a real hassle.  Stackby has now made organizing and managing PR requests much easier with our easy-to-use Press Release Request Management template because if you are not organized, you might miss many potential clients.  Collect, review, organize and prioritize all your PR requests in no time Add data to your stack automatically using Stackby forms  Track all press requests converting into press releases  Manage all your PR contacts in one place  Time is of the essence for PR professionals and our Press Release Request Management template helps you record, track, understand, and respond to every request as soon as possible. If you have your whole PR team at your disposal, you can share this template with them and all of them can work upon press release requests from time to time.  What’s included in Stackby’s Press Release Request Management Template?  Our PR Request Management Template includes three separate tables that will help you organize and monitor your PR requests, Press Releases, and PR Contacts respectively.  Our template also includes different views that will help you visualize your PR requests based on the subject status, subjects type, and published by status.  The template comes with a pre-built PR request form that you can share anywhere on your website, blogs, or via a direct link.  The template also includes different views for visualizing the press release list based on status and date of publishing.  Who can use Stackby’s Press Release Request Management Template?  Stackby’s press release request management template is useful for PR agencies or marketing agencies who are handling the public relations of different clients.  How will Stackby’s Press Release Request Management Template help you?  Our press release request management template will help you bring all your team together and manage the PR request process in real-time. It will make the whole workflow of PR request management much easier for you. With this template, you will be able to do the following: Manage all the PR requests from different channels in one place Track the status of the press release requests (Due, Approved, Pending, Rejected, etc) Record the contact name for every PR request  Record the press release date for every PR request you receive  Store the description of the press release request  Track the type of PR requests you receive (Event, Daily News, Hiring Updates, etc) Track the details of the press release for every request that you receive  Track the press release associated with every contact  Keep a record of the publication website  Store details of PR contacts (Photograph, Phone Number, Email, PR request send, Number of requests sent, Number of press releases approved, Number of press releases pending, etc) Take your organizational skills a step further by incorporating various automation, security, and privacy features that Stackby has to offer to you and smoothen your workflow even more. Use our Press release request management template right away and enhance your productivity.
PR Agency CRM Template By Stackby Templates
PR Agency CRM
Are you a PR agency looking for ways to manage your projects, handle your clients and track your team's progress? If yes, then you must try Stackby’s PR Agency CRM template. This is a pre-built template, created by our experts for PR agencies who want to: Start building/ maintaining their contact lists  Understand what is important for their contacts Keep in touch with their clients and contacts  Monitor their pitches & team's activities  Collaborate with the team to get things done  Stay up to date on every project/client  Measure the results  CRM or Customer Relationship Management can help Public Relations (PR) teams to manage their interactions with their current and potential clients. As we all know that a CRM is not just about maintaining and managing contacts, but is about building and managing relationships with your clients. So, public relations teams can take advantage of this feature of a CRM tool and nurture their client relationships in a more organized fashion. Top 3 benefits of using our pre-built CRM for public relations: Manage contacts in a breeze: Say goodbye to spreadsheets and store all your press contacts in one place. Our PR Agency CRM template can be further used to store complete details of your contacts like their social media handles, files, documents, contracts, meeting history, payments, invoices, email correspondence, and much more!  Follow-up consistently: No need to go back and forth with your clients or PR contacts for confirming the meeting timings. You can keep a track of your schedule from your PR Agency CRM, take meeting notes, and share the details of your meetings with your team.  Track your progress: If you want to track which of your PR pitches got approved, how many pitches got published, what’s the community size of every publication where your brand got exposure and so on, you can use this CRM template.  Who can use Stackby’s PR Agency CRM Template?  Our pre-built template of CRM for PR agencies is useful for PR agencies or marketing agencies who are handling the public relations of different clients.  How will Stackby’s PR Agency CRM Template help you?  The CRM template for PR agencies by Stackby includes three separate tables to monitor and record your progress in article creations, publications, and press contacts respectively. With this template, you will be able to do the following: Monitor all the PR articles that you are creating  Attach briefs related to every article  Store the links for every article so that you can access them at any time  Track which articles are published under which publication  Store the date and time of publication of the articles  Maintain any notes related to PR articles  Track all the publications and their status (Trade publications, online articles, blog, etc) Track the contacts related to every publication  Keep a record of the press contacts (publication, face shot, email address, community size, articles, etc) Using our PR agency CRM template is safe and secure. It is much more than keeping a track of your tasks in a spreadsheet. Now you can organize all your PR-related tasks for every client in a much robust way and share the project with your team members and/or clients, all at the same time.Related Template: Product Competitor Analysis
Fundraising CRM template by Stackby Templates
Fundraising CRM
Raising funds is a crucial part of growing any organization, but managing investor relationships, tracking potential leads, and keeping your pitch materials organized can be overwhelming. Stackby’s Fundraising CRM Template is designed to simplify the fundraising process, providing a centralized and efficient way to manage all your fundraising activities. Whether you're a startup founder, a nonprofit director, or part of a fundraising team, this template will help you stay organized and focused on achieving your fundraising goals. Why Use the Fundraising CRM Template? Centralize Your Fundraising Efforts Managing fundraising activities often involves juggling multiple contacts, pitches, and follow-ups. Stackby’s fundraising event software centralizes all this information, making it easy to track and manage your efforts in one place. This comprehensive approach helps ensure that no opportunity slips through the cracks. Streamline Communication Effective communication is key to successful fundraising. This fundraising database software allows you to keep detailed records of all interactions with investors and contacts, ensuring that you can follow up appropriately and maintain strong relationships. By having all your communication history in one place, you can provide a personalized and professional experience to each potential investor. Organize Your Pitch Materials Having your pitch materials organized and easily accessible is crucial for making a strong impression on investors. Stackby’s template includes a dedicated space for managing your pitch decks, ensuring that you can quickly access and share them when needed. This organization helps you present a polished and prepared image to potential investors. Key Tables Managed with This Template Investors The Investors table is where you manage all information related to potential and current investors. This table helps you keep track of key details, such as investment history, interests, and engagement levels. Key Fields in the Investors Table: Investor Name Logo Total funding Total investors Associated contacts By organizing investor information in this table, you can ensure that you are well-prepared for every interaction and can tailor your pitch to each investor’s specific interests. Contacts The Contacts table helps you manage all other important contacts related to your fundraising efforts, such as advisors, partners, and leads. Keeping these contacts organized ensures that you can effectively leverage your network to support your fundraising goals. Key Fields in the Contacts Table: Contact Name Organization Investment type Investor type Days since last contacted Amount promised Having a clear overview of all your contacts allows you to strategically engage with your network and maximize your fundraising potential. Pitch Deck The Pitch Deck table is where you manage all your pitch materials. This includes storing different versions of your pitch deck, tracking feedback, and preparing for presentations. Keeping your pitch materials organized helps you make a strong and consistent impression on potential investors. Key Fields in the Pitch Deck Table: Pitch Deck Name Pitch collaborator Investors Focus area Link to Document By having all your pitch materials easily accessible, you can quickly respond to investor inquiries and ensure that you are always presenting the most current and polished version of your pitch. Fundraising can be a challenging but rewarding process, and Stackby’s Fundraising CRM Template is here to make it easier. With organized tables for managing investors, contacts, and pitch decks, this is the best fundraising crm that provides the structure and tools you need to streamline your fundraising efforts and achieve your goals. Start using Stackby’s Fundraising CRM Template today and take your fundraising to the next level!  Other CRM templates to try: Small Business CRM Template PRn and Media CRM Template Dealflow CRM Template
Real Estate CRM Template by Stackby Templates
Real Estate CRM
While managing real estate, agents may encounter tons of unexpected problems if the data collected upon the brokering real estate is not well organized. This problem canbe solved easily with Stackby’s Real Estate CRM Template. How will Stackby’s Real Estate Management Template help your business? This Stackby template allows the manager to record all the necessary details such as the property's value, depreciation, date of establishment, land used, etc. They can provide the customers with the same knowledge during the buying/selling of the estate. The template projects the estate status, its current owner, and the indoor and outdoor provisions, allowing the estate manager and the customers to preview the property thoroughly.  The property's price and the discounts are displayed through this template that helps the manager avoid any monetary confusion.  The visible list of engagement with the advertisements and the interested customers are easier to review with the list of details of the buyer(s) or any other persons interacting with the manager.  The property estimation feature avoids the trouble of calculating the property value every time an interested person calls in.  Moreover, the property details can be changed according to the fluctuations in the real estate features.  The Real Estate CRM Template is the quick solution to meet the manager and the client's needs and create a trust bond. It is especially effective because this template simplifies the manager's work while also improving efficiency.  Who will be finding this template useful? Real Estate Management Companies and private real estate brokers will be finding this of great assistance.Check out more related Templates : Business Development CRM Construction Project ManagementLease Tracker Dealflow CRM
Customer Persona Template by Stackby Templates
Customer Persona
Regardless of your company's nature or scope, your customers are an essential part of your business. Every decision you make directly or indirectly impacts or depends on the customer or client you are working for. What are Customer Personas? Customer personas, or buyer personas, give you an overview of your customers' needs and requirements. They help you understand the customer's fundamental traits and characteristics. This increases the chances of customer acquisition and retention. Companies that devote substantial time and resources to building customer personas are more successful in the long run. A well-designed customer persona will give you insights into what the customer is looking for and enable you to reach them with relevant, timely information. This will allow you to tailor your messages, content, marketing strategies, and product to meet the customer’s expectations. Are you facing difficulty managing the personas and details of multiple customers? Are you tired of maintaining numerous spreadsheets to store all the data? If your answer is yes, then you've come to the right place! Stackby has a solution to make things easy for you - the Customer Persona Template. We have created a state-of-the-art Customer Persona Template that will reduce your work and effort exponentially! You can record and update all relevant customer information from a single platform. Here’s how you can use the Customer Persona Template to your advantage. The template allows you to: Record the details of all your clients and customers in one place. Store the job title of your customers. They can be small business owners, marketers, freelance developers, designers, product managers, project leaders, etc. Attach a picture of the customer to your template for future use. Store the contact details of each customer, including phone number and email address. This will facilitate smooth communication and help avoid any misunderstandings. You can record the satisfaction rating for each customer in this template. This rating will give you an idea about the performance of your company in terms of customer experience. Monitor the current plan of a customer. It can be an enterprise, economy, personal, or business. Track the priority status of the customers (High/ Medium/ Low). According to the priority status of a customer, you can allow your team's time and resources. Keep track of the pain points of a particular customer. Pain points refer to problems that customers experience while interacting with your company. Store the name of the collaborator for each pain point. You can sort the data according to the job title or the pain points using the template's multiple views. Increase your chances of acquiring new customers and growing your company's revenue by building high-quality personas with Stackby's Customer Persona Template! Copy the stack and start using it today!
Customer Journey Map Template By Stackby Templates
Customer Journey Map
The success of your company depends on several factors. Customer experience is one of them. Your best and most advanced product will not contribute to the company’s profits if the customer is not satisfied with his or her experience in your company. Customer experience is as important as your product’s quality and price. How can you ensure that your customers are satisfied? The answer lies in a customer journey map. It is the process that allows a company to understand its customers and the journey they take when they interact and deal with your company.  It is a tool that helps you understand the obstacles faced by your customers at different stages and their level of satisfaction with your company’s service. To visualize the journey of a customer, companies create customer journey maps detailing the customer’s experience from start to finish. Therefore, a Customer Journey Map Template is a must-have for most businesses. Why is Customer Journey Mapping important? Customer journey maps can be a little difficult to draw at the initial stages, but it’s worth the effort. Why? Here’s why customer journey mapping is important: It gives you an overview of your customer’s journey. It allows you to anticipate any possible issues that may arise by analysing past customer journeys. You can use the customer journey map to isolate the areas where customer’s expectations are not matching the actual experience. Improved customer experience will directly lead to enhanced brand loyalty and high referral rates. It is a cost-effective method to improve the customer journey and attract new customers in the process. However, the process of creating a customer journey map is slightly tedious. It involves multiple steps and requires the collaboration of various departments. You need a template that will allow you to simplify and streamline the entire process. That’s where our Customer Journey Map template can be of help.  Who will this template benefit? This Customer Journey Map Template will be helpful for marketers, marketing teams, sales team, customer support teams, business owners, SMEs and Agencies. How will Stackby’s Customer Journey Map Template help you? Using Stackby’s Customer Journey Map Template, you will be able to: Record the details of each company or organization that you’re dealing with and the corresponding contact person. You can store the photograph, current role, and contact details of each contact person. Monitor the current stage of the customer’s journey (Trial/ Onboarding/ Sales/ Upgrading/ Flatline/ Dead) in the customer journey map template. Record the details of the manager in charge of the accounts. You can record the date set for the next meeting with the customer. Along with this, you can also set the meeting agenda. Add the tasks that need to be completed for each client/ customer. You can also add notes or comments to help your team members. Check if the tasks are under capacity or need to be delegated. Track the current status of each customer. The template allows you to rate the ongoing customer relationship with the company. Update and monitor the details as and when required. Download our Customer Journey Map Template for free and improve your customers’ overall experience! You will also find these templates helpful: Customer Testimonials, Customer Sucess Management, Customer Persona 
Personal CRM Template by Stackby Templates
Personal CRM
Personal CRM system’s basic and critical feature is keeping track of communications with the customer, maintaining an updated database, planning and reminding about follow-ups, updating the lead status, and scheduling future communications with any converted clients.  Maintaining multiple channels for every other business need can prove to be quite difficult. It is easier to keep track of all the requirements through one singular platform. This is where Stackby’s Personal CRM template comes in.  What is a Personal CRM? Personal CRM is a centralized contact management tool to manage all your personal and professional contacts to keep track of future communication and staying in touch. A Personal CRM template provides people with a starting point looking forward to using spreadsheet-based CRM solutions. It is designed for easy and quick use and better accessibility.  The Personal CRM template will be best suited for entrepreneurs, small business owners, freelancers, contractors, or just anybody looking to forward their work or career. It is quite flexible to assist anyone trying to grow and systematically cultivate their network & business.  Who will find this Personal CRM template useful? This template is useful for any individual, business owner, managers, business development teams, sales individuals & SMEs.  How will Stackby’s free Personal CRM Template help you? Stackby's free Personal CRM template will help you organize and track all your clients and relations.  Using this free Personal CRM template, you will be able to:  Record the details of all your clients on the same platform.  Track each client's title (Small Business Owner/ Marketer/ YouTuber/ Analyst/ Project Leader/ etc.). Record the current location in each case.  Store the contact details of each client. This includes the phone number and email address. Track the date of the last meeting.  Store the details of the current employer of each client.  Add notes in each case, if necessary. You can also track the number of clients from each location separately. Similarly, you can also keep a record of the number of clients under a particular employer.  Monitor and update the details as and when needed.  The free Personal CRM template is completely customizable. You can have the layout of the information the way you want and continue to customize it to match with your network management preference.  Benefits of using Stackby's Personal CRM Template: Track all of your network and contacts in a single place from university to your work life.  Never miss a relationship due to forgetfulness or plain laziness, you never know who can be of help and when.  Nurture all your relationships with proper reminders, days passed since last followups and your last conversations.  Track all the todos and make your network strong with each passing day.  30 mins of using this Personal CRM every week would help you keep track of all your relationships.   Copy the Personal CRM stack and start using the best Personal CRM template today!   You might also find these templates useful:  Dealflow CRM  Fundrasing CRM  Customer Development  Lightweight CRM 
Boost sales with the sales pipeline template from Stackby Templates
Sales Pipeline
Whether you’re running a start-up venture or a well-established company, the sales department controls a crucial aspect of your overall workflow process. It is the department that brings in the revenue, so you might even say that it forms the linchpin of your entire organization! The sales department plays the most vital role in the success of your business and is responsible for providing the customers with what they’re looking for. It contributes immensely towards the company’s growth, not just in monetary terms, but by helping you retain your existing customers by providing the best possible service. The effort and hard work put in by your product development team and marketing team will fail to produce tangible results if your sales pipeline is not working efficiently. As a result, ensuring the smooth functioning of your sales pipeline is paramount for your company. This is why a Sales Pipeline template also becomes integral to your business. What is the sales pipeline? Put in simple words, a sales pipeline is a visual representation of your sales process. It will show you the exact position of a particular deal in the sales funnel and help you analyze and overcome obstacles if any happen to arise. It allows you to analyze if your current strategy is working in your favor and gives you a comprehensive idea of which activities are generating the maximum revenue. A sales pipeline gives a detailed insight into your sales process, the current status of your deals, details of upcoming deals, and other information crucial to your sales department. The format of a sales pipeline is not static. It depends on the requirements and nature of your company. It is up to you to customize the process to reap the maximum benefit. Depending on how you contact leads and process products, your sales pipeline can have five, six, or even eight stages. However, keeping a firm grasp on the entire process is often a tedious and tricky task. To make your job easier, Stackby has created a state-of-the-art Sales Pipeline Template! Now you can manage and monitor every detail on a single interface. How will Stackby’s Sales Pipeline Template help you achieve your goal? Using our customizable, user-friendly sales pipeline template, you will be able to: Record details of each deal on the same platform. Store the corresponding company name and the representative assigned to each company. Track the source of the particular deal (Email Campaign/ Website/ Previous Client/ VoIP Call/ etc.). Assign a priority status to each deal to coordinate related tasks. Track the current status of the deal (Won/ Lost/ Negotiating/ etc.). Record the tentative deal date and the last contacted date for the same deal. Track the expected sales value and weighted value for each deal. Add comments, if necessary, to each deal to help your sales team get a better understanding of the same. Track the number of deals made by each representative on the sales pipeline template and check if they have fulfilled their assigned quota. Monitor and update the details in your Kanban pipeline as and when required. Now your sales team won’t have to go through multiple databases to track the status and probability of the deals they negotiate! Use this easy to adopt sales pipeline template for your sales reps and boost your profits. Checkout other related Template Sales Pipeline Sales Asset Management  
Multiple Product CRM Template By Stackby Templates
Multiple Product CRM
Manage multiple products and monitor sales targets along with the performance of sales agents to meet client expectations using Stackby’s Multiple Product CRM Template. How Stackby's Multiple Product CRM Template helps you ? Is your product up to date with the latest trends? Are customers satisfied with your service? Are you meeting your quarterly sales targets? Which products are bringing in the maximum revenue? Who is the highest performing sales agent of your company? These questions are essential for your company. Answering them regularly gives you a detailed overview of your product’s performance.  Why every organisation needs a Multiple Product CRM Template ? To achieve its goals and objectives, a company formulates a detailed sales process or plan. This involves generating potential leads, managing customer relations, tracking product performance, negotiating profitable deals, and monitoring sales targets. A robust, well-thought-out plan keeps all the departments focused and delineates priorities for your company. This process becomes even more cumbersome than usual if your company manufactures and sells multiple products. Looking for an efficient and easy method to keep track of your clients, products, and various sales targets? Do you want to improve the performance of your sales team? Well, we have the answer! Stackby has developed its own Multiple Product CRM Template to assist you in your sales process. This easy-to-use Multiple Product CRM Template will record all your ongoing and upcoming deals and corresponding clients on one platform. It will ensure that you meet and, if possible, exceed your sales target and, in turn, boost your revenue and the profitability of your company. With our Multiple Product CRM Template, you will now be able to: Store all your client names and related details in one place. Record each deal negotiated with a particular client and the corresponding sales quarter. Assign a sales agent to each client to ensure that the deal goes through smoothly, and the client is satisfied. Record the products that are a part of the deal and the family series they belong to. Monitor the total sales value of the deal to analyse which clients are contributing the most to your annual revenue. Track the base price and selling price of each product along with the total quantity sold to date. Record the profit amount, profit percentage, and total profit earned concerning each product. This will give you an idea of the overall market performance of your products. You can then redirect your resources towards the most profitable and well-received product. Monitor the status of all your ongoing deals and the closing date of each one. Track your quarter-wise sales target and monitor if your sales team has met or exceeded the target set at the beginning of the year. Monitor the performance of all your sales agents in great detail.   Stackby’s Multiple Product CRM Template is an all-in-one solution to all your sales tracking needs.  Copy the stack today and manage all your products and customer relations in a single place. If you're looking for a basic CRM template, check out the Sales CRM template .  Check out other related Template :Business Development CRM Agile Product Planning TemplateDealflow CRM Product Roadmaps
Sales Asset Management Template By Stackby Templates
Sales Asset Management
Starting from the product development team to the customer service team, every team of your company contributes in one way or the other to the success of the product. Somewhere in the middle of this workflow process is the sales team which has the most crucial job of all! You can design the best product in the market and employ the most effective marketing strategies. However, none of it will amount to anything if your sales team cannot manage its assets and function efficiently! That’s why every company needs a Sales Asset Management Template. What is Sales Asset Management? Sales asset management is the process and strategy employed by a company to manage its multiple sales assets. This includes internal reference materials, presentation decks, whitepapers, demos, and landing pages. An effective sales asset management plan will enhance the efficiency and productivity of your sales processes. It will enable your sales team to get access to the right content at precisely the right time. Asset management also makes sure that all your content is up-to-date and relevant to the current sales strategy. However, the process of sales asset management can often be quite chaotic. Having trouble tracking and updating all your sales stacks and whitepapers? We have a solution. Solve all your asset management problems with our custom-made Sales Asset Management Template! Enable your sales team to save a ton of time by giving them access to our asset management template. From sales decks to demos and landing pages, your sales team can now store and update every asset with the click of a single button. Using our Asset Management Template, you can now: Track all your sales assets on one platform. Get instant access to the sales asset details whenever needed. Record the name of each sales asset (Deck/ Whitepaper/ Demo/ Landing Page). Record the category each asset belongs to (Video/ Printed Brochure/ Document/ Link/ etc.). Add attachments related to each asset, if any. Store the website link of the asset, if any. Add an industry category to each asset (Film Production/ Fashion/ HR and Recruitment/ Event Management/ etc.). Record the plan for each asset. Add the market targeted by each asset (Asian/ American/ European/ African/ Australian/ etc.). Record the date each asset was created on. Record the date when the same asset was last updated. Store the usage policy and current status of each asset. Record the name of the asset creator/ owner. Update the details as and when required. With Stackby’s Sales Asset Management Template, you can now simplify the work of your sales team instantly! Copy the stack and start using it today to boost your sales performance!Related Template: Sales Pipeline  
Customer Testimonials Template By Stackby Templates
Customer Testimonials
How Stackby's Customer Testimonials Template will help ? How do you know if a particular marketing strategy, sales process, or product launch has been beneficial for your company? The answer to this question lies in customer testimonials. Customer feedback or testimonial is the response or information given by a customer regarding any aspect of your company. From marketing to customer service, feedback from your users will help you understand if the current strategy you employ is working in your favor. Customer testimonials give you much-needed insight into what the client is looking for and how you can modify your strategy to meet their expectations. Therefore, utilizing a Customer Testimonials Template can significantly boost your business.  Why is customer feedback important? Allows you to analyze customer behaviour and understand customer needs.  Measure and enhance customer satisfaction. Increase customer retention and brand perception. Add new customers and improve referral rate. Lends a voice to the customer in the working of your organization Provides you an outside-in view of your company. Gives you an insight into what you can do to improve your product and service. Increases the responsiveness and credibility of your company. Online reviews improve your web presence and ranking in search engines. A company that takes its customer feedback seriously and uses it to address its shortcomings is more likely to succeed in the long run. Customers are inclined to stay loyal to your product if they feel that their response was taken seriously by you. It will also help you stay up to date with the constantly changing customer requirements and make your product and company more dynamic.  Looking for the best way to record and respond to customer feedback? Your search is over! Stackby has created a Customer Testimonials Template to help you track your customer testimonials. Is the client happy with your product and service? Are they satisfied with the customer service you provide? Is your product up to date with the latest trend? Does it fulfill all your client’s requirements?  Whether it’s customer testimonials or case study surveys, you can manage everything using this template. With the Customer Testimonials Template, you will be able to: Store all your customer feedback in one place. Record the list of companies that have provided customer feedback. Store details concerning the company, including, but not limited to, industry type, employee strength, and company logo. Monitor the total number of testimonials by each company to date. Record the name of the individual from each company who gave the feedback. Record the designation of the individual within the company. Store the testimonial given along with any case study file and related synopsis. Add and update testimonials as and when required. Understand your customers better with this user-friendly Customer Testimonials Template!
Product Catalog Template - Stackby Templates
Product Catalog
Every online, B2C, retail, or e-commerce business must ensure that its products are accessible online, trusted, and convert well. This is possible with an effective product catalog. If your products are not described well, it will be hard to find potential customers. Stackby’s product catalog template is a streamlined way to organize your product catalog management and track what’s working for you and what’s not.  What is Product Catalog Management? Product catalog management is the process of managing your product catalog so that all your marketing and sales channels contain high-quality product data. It includes how you organize, standardize, and publish your product across each sales channel. Why do you need a Product Catalog? Memorizing information about every product’s features is a difficult task. Making a product catalog and scribbling all the information related to the product helps the sellers and the customers make a purchasing decision. A product catalog template can help you keep track of all your products and the related information. You can use it to have easy access to all the products you have, the ones you have ordered, and those you still need to order. You can easily pull up information about any and all the products you have or sold. You can add images, add notes, and customize it. You can also use a product catalog template to categorize the products according to their build, vendor, or any way you like. Challenges Businesses face in Product Catalog Management and Tracking 1. Involvement of team and stakeholders It often becomes difficult for sales and marketing teams and other stakeholders to collaborate and ensure a smooth product catalog management process. This might lead to serious consequences such as differences in the units of measurement etc.  2. High-quality description & imagery Since there is no streamlined process, it often becomes difficult for businesses to create simplified, easy-to-understand product descriptions and add the right images/files to depict it. They need to consider the customers’ perspectives here.  3. Scope of growth When you are not tracking your product catalog efficiently, it often becomes tough to analyze the gaps in your efforts. This problem multiplies when you are trying to expand your catalog. Stackby’s Product Roadmap template can also be of good use here.  4. Finding the right catalog management tool Many businesses suffer because they are unable to find the right platform where their team can connect and collaborate to work upon the product catalogs, and share it with the right people (clients, vendors etc.)  Stackby’s product catalog template helps overcome all the challenges that businesses often face while creating and managing product catalogs.  How to Fix your Product Catalog Management? 1. Organize the descriptions  If your product attributes are messy, it will become much more difficult to intrigue customers. So, first, you need to ensure that all your team and stakeholders are on the same page. If you are building your own product, check out our Product Launch template.   2. Manage your product data  Make sure all your product data, descriptions, and other related information is organized if you want to expand your product line and business. This way you will be able to identify which strategies have worked in the past.  3. Specify roles and authorization flows  Make sure your team members know their exact roles and responsibilities when changing the product catalog database. This way you can ensure data quality and minimum redundancy.  Who can use Stackby’s Product Catalog Template? Stackby’s Product Catalog template can be used by e-commerce or online business owners, retailers, traders, suppliers, product managers, sales and marketing teams, or anyone who manages the creation and management of product catalogs for a business.  How is Stackby's Product Catalog Template Helpful for You? Our product catalog template can streamline how your team works. It can help you keep track of all your products, their description, features, benefits, price, and more. With this template, you can do the following: Keep a track of all your products, their types, and images. Keep a record of price, color, and size for every product.  Track the inventory for each product such as the number of items available, whether a product is in stock or not.  Add and manage the description of the products. Record the total sale of every product and the number of items sold.  Monitor the clients and dealers for every product  Add and track client details like the order number, order ID, billing address, phone number, product bought, etc.  Track every order detail such as order ID, order date, item name, status, invoice, bill number, price per unit, quantity, total cost, client name, etc.  Track and monitor the dealer details such as name, address, rating, phone number, year established, email, products, price, quantity, invoice, etc.  Other templates you can use along with Product Catalog Template:  Multiple Product CRM Template Product Inventory Template  Product Competitor Analysis Template. Agile Product Planning Template  Product Roadmaps 
Lightweight CRM Template by Stackby Templates
Lightweight CRM
Customer relationship management can be quite complex. This is why many small businesses, entrepreneurs, and business managers look for a lightweight CRM. So, Stackby came up with an easy-to-use, simple, lightweight CRM template that will help you get started at organizing all your contacts & deals in minutes. How Stackby's lightweight CRM template can help you ? Save time: No more wasting time on manual work and repetitive sales tasks. Automate your CRM process and save time.  Customize: You can alter the lightweight CRM template as per your business requirements and customize it for your team.  Collaborate: With the lightweight CRM template, you can sell together as a team. Stackby provides real-time collaboration so that your team can stay on track.  Read more: (How to) Build your Personal CRM in Minutes   Who can use the lightweight CRM template? Stackby’s lightweight CRM template is for startup founders, entrepreneurs, small business owners, sales managers, marketing and sales teams, and PR firms who want to build and maintain relationships with their customers. What are the features of Stackby’s Lightweight CRM template? Track all sales activities Track all leads and deal activities Import all leads/contacts from Google Sheets or CSV files  Track sales pipelines and investor pipelines  Manage all your tasks in one place  Get a snapshot for sales performance Customize our lightweight CRM template for further benefits: Use Stackby forms to add detai ls o f every new lead/ contact and manage your data.  Send email or a message automatically to your customers/ leads/ contacts and never miss an opportunity to connect with them. Integrate your CRM tool with any third-party application like Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Sheets and collaborate.  Password-protect your important CRM data using Stackby’s view protection powerup feature. Visualize your entire sales or deals pipeline using Kanban, Calendar and Gallery Views.  Other customer relationship management templates for you: PR Media and CRM Template  Small Business CRM Template   Personal CRM Template   Fundraising CRM Template  PR Agency CRM Template 
Business Development CRM Template - Stackby Templates
Business Development CRM
A major part of any firm's goodwill rests on the business relationship network it forms through business deals, partnerships, affiliations, and sponsorships. Stackby provides you with a Business Development CRM Template that records and maintains a firm's customer relationships that are critical to the work of the organization. . What is Business Development CRM Template ? A Business Development CRM Template is a pre-designed framework that integrates Customer Relationship Management (CRM) principles with business development strategies. It serves as a centralised hub to track leads, manage contacts, analyse sales pipelines, and streamline communication. This template helps businesses to stay organised, focused, and agile in their pursuit of growth. Types of BDA Templates Lead Tracking Templates: Monitor and manage potential leads through various stages of the sales funnel. Facilitate collaboration among team members for effective lead conversion. Contact Management Templates: Consolidate and organise contact information for clients, prospects, and stakeholders. Enable efficient communication and personalised engagement with key contacts. Sales Pipeline Templates: Visualise and track the progress of deals through different sales stages. Identify bottlenecks and optimise the sales process for improved efficiency. Communication Log Templates: Document and analyse communication history with clients and leads. Enhance relationship-building by maintaining a comprehensive interaction record.  How will the business development CRM template be helpful? It provides the firm with an organized outline of the business relationship. This allows them to distribute their attention and resources equally amongst all the parties involved in the project. The template allows the firm to track the date of commencement and the date of termination of the business deal. The template, once updated, provides a thorough insight into the details of the business partner. This includes their field of expertise, the type of industry they belong to, and the amount the business deal is carried upon. The provision of the task feature sorts out any confusion regarding the work done or that needs to be dealt with, thus avoiding any exemption of minute tasks. The contact details and websites can be directly linked through this template. Thus making communication with the customer easier. Any updates regarding the status of the business deal, its nature, and the persons involved can be easily made with ease. The business development CRM template sees that the customers keep their end of the bargain. If any misunderstanding arises, the deal proposal can be easily referred to through the deal details feature. Who will find the Business Development CRM Template helpful? Firms that often carry out deals with more than one partner simultaneously are likely to find this business development CRM template extremely useful. It is essential for B2B firms who base their company’s relevance around dealing with other firms. Upgrade the way you handle your business relationships and ensure you build long-lasting, advantageous relationships by using the Business Development CRM template from Stackby. How to use a Business Development Template with Stackby ? Stackby is a versatile platform that empowers users to create customizable templates for various business needs, including business development. Here's a step-by-step guide: Access Stackby: Sign in to your Stackby account or create one if you haven't already. Choose a Business Development Template: Browse the template library or create a new one based on your specific business development requirements. Customise Your Template: Tailor the template to align with your business processes by adding or removing columns, fields, and views. Import Data: Seamlessly import existing data or manually input information into the template. Collaborate in Real Time: Leverage Stackby's collaborative features to work with your team in real-time, fostering efficient communication and shared insights. Automate Processes: Implement automation features to save time and reduce manual effort, allowing your team to focus on strategic initiatives. Integrate with Other Tools: Connect Stackby with other essential business tools to create a unified ecosystem for your business development efforts. Track and Analyze: Regularly monitor and analyse the data in your template to gain actionable insights and make informed decisions In the fast-paced world of business development, having a structured approach is paramount. Utilising a Business Development CRM Template in conjunction with the powerful features of Stackby can significantly enhance your ability to manage leads, build relationships, and drive sustainable growth for your business. Embrace the efficiency and effectiveness that this dynamic combination brings to your business development endeavours.Check out Related Templates: Dealflow CRMFundrasing CRM 
Customer Development CRM Template by Stackby Templates
Customer Development CRM
Inspired by Steve Blank, this Customer Development CRM allows to you to track and manage your customers, problem statements and features requested.  Customer development is about acquiring, retaining, and developing profitable clients. The term customer development was coined in the 1990s and helps a business in: Discovering and validating the needs of the customers Creating the right product for your customers  Testing correct methods for acquiring and converting customers Using the right resources to meet the demands of the customers  Problems without a Customer Development CRM  A customer development CRM is a tool that can help you streamline the above-listed processes in one place and ensure a successful business. Many businesses, especially startups face issues in customer development such as: Tracking the meeting details with a customer becomes clumsy with spreadsheets and post-it notes.  Employees not knowing whom to contact for a customer-related issue.  Reporting as it becomes a hassle since you have to pull data from various platforms.  Classifying customers and organize contacts can be difficult.  Four Steps of Customer Development CRM Framework Customer Discovery: In this step, a business looks for customers or a market that is suitable for the product that it wants to develop. Stackby has the right resources for customer discovery like a product-market fit system and sales pipeline.    Customer Validation: In this step, you understand that the product that you have will generate you profits and scale your business. You can use Stackby’s marketing strategy template to determine that the mone y you invest in marketing will have its return and also its profit. Customer Acquisition: In this step, you put all your efforts and find customers for your product. You can use Stackby reporting tools to track all the key performance indicators for your project.  Customer Delight: It is the last step in which you keep following the first-three steps in order to scale up your product and match the changing needs of the customers. Use our Customer Development CRM to execute this step.   Stackby’s customer development CRM can turn the tables for you! Add data in one place: Store all the meeting notes in one place and never miss taking follow-ups.  Share reports with your team: Create reports in just one click by importing data from third-party apps to Stackby and instantly share the reports with your team.  Organize contact information: Use more than 25+ column types to store custom er data.  Track issues: Keep a list of issues reported by different customers and streamline working on them.  Who can use Stackby’s Customer Development CRM Template? Stackby’s Customer Development CRM Template can be used by business managers, product teams, marketing teams, sales teams, entrepreneurs, and business owners.  What are the important features of Stackby’s Customer Development CRM Template? Our customer development CRM template includes four tables to track customer details, interview details, problem statements, and add-on features details respectively. With this template, you can: Record all important details of a customer (name, email, category, photo, persona, etc) Track the interview details with every customer  Record the problem statements mentioned in each interview  Store detailed records of every problem statement and the features related to them Track the features to be added to the product based on problem statements given by customers  Other Customer Management Templates to consider: Customer Testimonials Template  Customer Success Management Template  Customer Journey Map Template  Customer Persona Template  Business Development CRM 
Data Enrichment Template By Stackby Templates
Data Enrichment
Generating leads from different sources is one of the most critical tasks in any company. There is a wealth of customer data present and finding the maximum amount of said data will help you land your next client. Enriching the leads generated with the right tool can allow your company to achieve smarter lead scoring and run more personalized email campaigns. Data enrichment tools enhance your collected customer data and make it more useful for targeting potential clients. This lead data collected is further used for marketing purposes and has a greater chance of being converted into actual customers. Data enrichment has an extremely high return on investment. Therefore, utilizing our Data Enrichment Template is a no-brainer.  What is Clearbit, and how will it help you?  Clearbit is an online tool that is used for finding contact numbers and email addresses of potential customers. It has a high accuracy rate and is a reliable software used by top companies of the world. It automatically updates your sales record and provides verified, and quality company contact information. It provides a clear method to manage sales activities. With the Person Enrichment API from Clearbit, you can get a detailed background of a person and their corresponding company profile based on an email address or a website domain. It allows you to get access to the individual’s name, location, social handles, and company designation. Every company develops its strategy to record and enrich customer lead data. Are you looking for a way to simplify the entire process for your company? If the answer is yes, then you’ve come to the right place. With this Company Data Enrichment Template, storing and updating lead information will be a walk in the park.  Bid adieu to the days of maintaining multiple databases and spreadsheets for your client and company information. Stackby’s Data Enrichment Template allows you to monitor every detail about them from a single interface.  Using our tailor-made data enrichment template, you will now be able to: Keep detailed records of all the potential customers in one place. Import data automatically from Clearbit directly to your enrichment template. Add a description to each company for a better understanding of the same. Record the year in which the company was founded and its current employee strength. Monitor the company’s global site rank and the current number of AngelList followers. Add information generated from the Person Enrichment API to the template. Store the full name and current location of your company contacts/leads. Record the current title of the individual in the company and add a description to the same. Get access to other personal information including, but not limited to, the alma mater of the concerned person. Import and update details as and when required. Generate new leads every day and enrich the collected data without breaking a sweat with Stackby’s Data Enrichment Template and manage your CRM with ease. 
B2B Lead Generation Template By Stackby Templates
B2B Lead Generation
The marketing world in a dynamic arena that is constantly changing every minute. With technology becoming an integral part of our everyday routine, companies have increased their focus on online marketing. Companies are likely to spend more than 90 percent of their marketing budget on digital strategies in the coming years. With new strategies and avenues taking over the online marketing arena, is email marketing still relevant?  The answer is yes! And so is our B2B Lead Generation Template. It is a cost-effective and easy-to-use marketing strategy that continues to be relevant even today. It allows you to send personalized content to potential clients and increases your brand awareness. With a click rate six times greater than that of tweets, emails help drive your website traffic.  What is the most critical aspect of planning & executing an effective B2B lead generation campaign? The email lead list! Without a well-maintained database of email addresses, how will you conduct an email campaign? Gathering and collecting maximum potential customers’ email addresses will increase the scope and extent of your marketing strategy. Email lists allow you to segregate and focus on individuals who are most likely to show an interest in your product. It is also essential to make sure that your email lead list has been verified and checked to eliminate any defunct email addresses. How to create an email list? With the help of Hunter Email Finder, you can generate the most extensive email list ever! Hunter Email Finder is one of the most accurate and widely used tools today. Facing difficulty keeping track of all your generated leads? The days of going through multiple scattered databases for your email campaign are over! Stackby has developed its own Lead List Builder Template. You can now store and update all your lead lists on one platform using the B2B Lead Generation Template. The Lead List Builder Template will allow you to import all your data from Hunter Email Finder API directly to your template. The entire process is automated, and you don’t have to do the same work manually anymore. Using our B2B Lead generation template, you can: Automatically bring email IDs from your leads using Hunter email finder API.  Store your target lead list generated using Hunter email finder. Record the details concerning each company URL Check whether a particular email address has been verified or not. Track the deliverability of each email address. Record the confidence score of the email addresses. Check if the given address is deliverable or risky. Assign a reach status to each email (Yes/ No). Track the total emails available for a particular company in the Hunter database. Check whether they belong to the executive, marketing, or HR category. Keep your lead list current and updated. Stackby’s Lead List Builder Template is a one-stop solution to all your email campaigning problems! Check out this quick use-case video on how you can automate your email lead lists and build your B2B lead generation process. Check out More Related Templates: Google Search Console Report Google Analytics Report Facebook Ad Campaign
Dealflow CRM Template By Stackby Templates
Dealflow CRM
Deal-flow CRM template from Stackby will help you visualize your whole deal-flow pipeline and automate your deal-flow workflows. You can store, organize and manage all the deal-flow data in one place and ensure complete coordination within your team. What is a Deal Flow CRM? Deal flow is often defined as the quantity and quality potential investments available to an investor, firm, or funding institution. The process of managing deal flows more effectively is known as deal flow management. A deal flow CRM template ensures that you do not miss any lucrative opportunity that can change your business forever. Overview of Stackby’s Deal Flow CRM Template Bring all data in one place The Deals table in our deal-flow CRM template enables you to store all the data regarding upcoming and current investment deals such as: deal name, website, company, pitch, priority (high, medium, low), status (diligence, contact, pass, invested), current funding (angle, seed, etc.), description of the deal, sector/ industry, location, meeting time and date, deal raised on date, money raised, post valuation, revenue, run rate, company size, team, sources, etc. Manage information about companies Manage all the details of companies in one place such as name of the company, deal name, sources, contacts of a company, etc. Easy access to company contacts and sources You can store all the details of company contacts like their names, position in the company, email, interactions and so on in the Company Contacts table. Similarly, the Sources table will store data related to the sources of a company such as their name, company, phone, email, contacts, deals, etc. Ensure no gaps in communications The Interactions table helps you ensure synchronized communications with a contact across all channels like phone, email etc. You can keep track of interactions with different contacts and store the details of the interactions as notes for further communication. Manage teams Last, but not least, there is a Teams table that helps you manage which team member is leading which deal and how many deals are being handled by every team member. Other features of our deal-flow CRM template: Startup pitch form Send this form to startups who contact you for investment purposes and add all their data automatically to the deal-flow stack. You can customize the form and change its appearance, add a logo etc. based on your requirements. Filter deals by status Our deal-flow CRM template includes Status kanban view that filters all deals based on their status such as diligence, contact, invested, pass, etc. Filter deals by priority Find which deal is important and which is not using our Priorities kanban view. Ensure better decision-making with Stackby’s deal-flow CRM. Who can use Stackby’s deal-flow tracker template? Staclby’s deal-flow CRM can be used by investment firms, private firms, venture capitalists or angel investors, private equity investors, etc. Don’t risk losing deals because of lack of management Streamline your workflows with Stackby’s deal-flow CRM template and ensure smoother communications with your contacts. Do not let potential deals go out of your reach just because you could not coordinate with your team. Use Stackby’s deal flow management template today. How to use Stackby’s Deal-flow CRM template? Copy the template to your Stackby Workspace to bring in all the tables and sample data. Customize your startup pitch form by adding/removing the fields according to your business requirements. You can even enable email notifications , slack notifications , or MS team notifications to indicate when someone sends a sales pitch to you. Bring your team to collaborate on the deal-flow CRM and streamline your workflow. Other deal-flow templates to try: Deal-flow Management Template Startup deal-flow tracking Template Business Development CRM 
Sales CRM Template By Stackby Templates
Sales CRM
Are you struggling to keep track of your sales management tasks and customer relationships? Do you find it challenging to manage all your sales interactions and opportunities? If yes, look no further than Stackby's Sales CRM Template! This template is a game-changer for businesses looking to effortlessly keep current customers happy while attracting new leads in a breeze.  What is Customer Relationship Management or CRM? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy that involves managing customer interactions and relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Its main goal is to improve customer satisfaction, increase loyalty, and drive revenue growth by providing personalized and consistent experiences. What is Sales Management? Sales management refers to the process of leading, organizing, and directing a team of sales professionals to meet or exceed the sales targets of a business.  Why is Sales CRM Important for Your Business? A solid sales management or CRM strategy is a must-have for any small business that wants to thrive and expand right from the get-go. Below are the key reasons to consider:  Improves customer relationships and loyalty by providing personalized experiences. Increases efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks and workflows. Helps identify and prioritize high-value sales opportunities. Provides real-time insights into sales performance and trends. And a lot more.  Digging into Details About Stackby's Sales CRM Template Stackby's Sales CRM Template is an effective tool designed to help businesses seeking to streamline their sales and customer relationship management processes. With its aid, you can manage your company's sales pipeline, keep track of opportunities, and track interactions with potential customers. The best part about this template is that it provides a spreadsheet-style interface that allows you to store and organize all your data in one place, making it easier to manage and monitor your sales activities. Who is This Sales CRM Template for? Stackby's Sales CRM Template is perfect for small businesses and startups who want to manage their sales process effectively. Whether you're just starting or have been in business for years, it can help you streamline your sales management processes and boost your overall sales and revenue. Why Do You Need Stackby's Sales CRM Template? Get organized and stay on top of your sales game with this Sales CRM template! Keep track of all your company dealings in one place - no more scattered information! Store essential company details like industry type, employee strength, and website information. Maintain up-to-date records of all your contacts within these companies. Record contact details, including titles and relevant information. Effortlessly monitor tasks for each company, keep everyone on the same page, and ensure timely completion by adding task notes to keep your team on track. Link tables together to create a Sales KPI tracker specifically designed to monitor and measure the performance of your sales representatives. Assign team leaders for each task for more effective task management. Stay on top of your sales deals and their status (Won/Lost/Negotiating). Update your CRM data regularly for a more accurate and effective system. How to Use This Sales CRM Template? If you have multiple products to keep track of, you may find our Multi Product CRM template useful. If you are focusing on managing strategic partnerships, all you need is to opt for our Business Development CRM template.   For those seeking to manage their personal contacts, the Personal CRM template is an excellent option to consider. Ways to Customize Our Sales CRM Template After copying this template to your Stackby Workspace, you can customize it per your requirements. Let's see how: Add custom fields to capture specific information relevant to your business needs. Create new tables, such as product or lead tables, to expand the functionality of your Sales CRM Template. Utilize filters and views to narrow down and focus on specific data subsets within your CRM. Streamline your workflow by incorporating automation features into your Sales CRM Template. Seamlessly integrate with popular third-party tools like Zapier, Slack, Trello, etc. Tables Included in Our Sales CRM Template Opportunities: It allows you to track the potential deals that your company is currently pursuing. Interactions: This table lets you keep a tab of all the interactions you have with your customers, whether it's through phone calls, emails, or meetings. Companies: It enables you to maintain a comprehensive database of all the companies that you deal with. Contacts: With its aid, you can manage all your contacts in one place. By linking these tables together using Link Column types, you can create relationships and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for your sales CRM. For example, you can link interactions to specific opportunities or contacts, track the number of interactions per opportunity, or measure the conversion rate from opportunities to closed deals. It enables you to generate meaningful insights, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and generate reports that provide a holistic view of your sales operations and performance. You can also add or import tables depending on your unique requirements. This flexibility allows you to customize the template to suit your business needs and ensure you have all the information you need at your fingertips. Ready to Simplify Your Sales Management Tasks and Customer Relationships? With Stackby's Sales CRM Template, you can manage your sales pipeline and customer relationships more effectively, boosting overall sales and revenue.Try it out today by signing up on Stackby and experience a flawless sales management experience!Check out more related Templates: Business Development CRM Dealflow CRM Fundrasing CRM Customer Development Lightweight CRM Personal CRM 
PR and Media CRM Template By Stackby Templates
PR and Media CRM
Gone are those days of maintaining spreadsheets and post-it notes to organize your PR clients or team. Now, sales, media, and PR professionals can manage their activities with the help of a Customer Relationship Management tool. This will help you streamline your daily tasks and keep all your PR contacts in one place.  What is the PR and Media CRM Template? Stackby brings an easy CRM tool that helps you monitor all your PR and media activities in one place. Here are 4 major benefits of using this template: You can manage your PR contacts: The CRM template allows you to store and manage all your PR and media contacts in one place. You can store all their information like contacts, social media, phone numbers, or even their birthdays! You can have consistent follow-ups: You do not have to go back and forth with your team or check your notes regarding your schedule. You can handle your appointments with your PR clients or contacts from this CRM only.  You can track your publications: If you want to remember which PR article was published at which channel, this CRM template is going to be very useful. It lets you track everything related to PR content such as authors, publish date, publishing channel, etc.  You can develop more personal relationships: The main aim of a CRM is to help you create better relations with your customers/ clients/ contacts. As you collect more and more information about your PR contacts or PR channels you can develop content that would be relevant to them. Thereby, increasing your chances of getting the exposure and making an impression on them at the same time.  Who can use Stackby’s PR and Media CRM Template? This template is useful for PR agencies, PR managers, PR management teams, Marketing teams, and Business owners.  How will Stackby’s PR and Media CRM Template Help You? Stackby’s PR and Media CRM Template makes it much easier for PR management teams to collaborate with each other in real-time. With this template, you will be able to do the following: Track everything about the PR articles that have been published for your business (author, publish date, due date, URL, status, media channel, publication channel, etc) Track and monitor your PR contacts such as their expertise, contact details, status, articles published, publication channels, and so on Manage all your publication channels in one place (articles published, number of articles published, type of publisher, etc) A public relations and media CRM can alter the way you have been working till now. This template gives you a robust structure to maintain your accounts and track your PR publications. Check out other related Templates : Ad Campaign Planning Template Business Development CRM Marketing Asset Management Email Marketing Calender  
PR Outreach Template By Stackby Templates
PR Outreach
PR outreach is the process of reaching out to relevant journalists, influencers, or media outlets with the purpose of introducing your business, building relationships, and increasing brand awareness.  Earlier PR outreach only meant getting backlinks or securing coverage in online magazines. Nowadays, there are plenty of ways to do PR outreach.  How to do PR outreach?  To begin with, you must have a PR outreach plan that includes what you are going to tell the world about your business and where you are going to publish that. Our PR outreach template helps you track all the PR outreach activities that you have planned. You must experiment with different channels and content. Do not limit yourself to just emails. Try using social networks, phone, and networking events and send out different content pitches.  Massing Pitching is generally not advised in PR outreach since every channel has its own PR requirements and you must abide by them. Our PR outreach tracker helps you keep a check on what you are pitching to different channels.  Before you decide to send your pitch to any journalist, editor, or writer, make sure that they will like it. Check the previous PR posts they have released and see whether your pitch matches them. There is no point in sending irrelevant pitches. You can check the Contacts table in our PR outreach template to track this goal.  Who can use Stackby’s PR Outreach Template? This template is useful for PR agencies, PR managers, PR management teams, marketing teams, and business owners.  How will Stackby’s PR Outreach Template Help You?  With the PR Outreach template, you can keep a track of all your PR outreach tasks such as the people you have contacted for PR outreach, the pitches you have used for which channel, your PR outreach contacts, the PR articles that you have created, and so on. This template will help you organize every detail of your PR outreach process.  You can use Stackby’s PR Outreach Template for the following purposes:  Maintain a record of all your PR outreach channels  Keep a record of all your PR outreach contacts, their emails, articles that they have published, pitches shared with them, and so on Track all your PR pitches for different channels, their delivery method (email, blog, etc), audience (customers, prospects, events), etc  Track your PR articles like article created by, publish date, status (published, not published), media channel, and related pitches Track the publications in which you have either sent your pitches or have sent your particles for publication, contacts related to each publication, and the number of articles published If you are looking to streamline your PR outreach process, this template will help you a lot. This template helps you track all your PR outreach activities so that you can make follow-ups, begin new projects, and manage your PR activities easily. Check out other related Templates : Ad Campaign Planning Template Marketing Asset Management Email Marketing Calender  
Press Release Request Management Template By Stackby Templates
Press Release Request Management
Public Relations has gained momentum these days. Bloggers, brands and almost every other online business wants to expand their PR outreach and find new platforms to showcase themselves. This is why PR agencies get numerous requests every day and sometimes managing these requests can become a real hassle.  Stackby has now made organizing and managing PR requests much easier with our easy-to-use Press Release Request Management template because if you are not organized, you might miss many potential clients.  Collect, review, organize and prioritize all your PR requests in no time Add data to your stack automatically using Stackby forms  Track all press requests converting into press releases  Manage all your PR contacts in one place  Time is of the essence for PR professionals and our Press Release Request Management template helps you record, track, understand, and respond to every request as soon as possible. If you have your whole PR team at your disposal, you can share this template with them and all of them can work upon press release requests from time to time.  What’s included in Stackby’s Press Release Request Management Template?  Our PR Request Management Template includes three separate tables that will help you organize and monitor your PR requests, Press Releases, and PR Contacts respectively.  Our template also includes different views that will help you visualize your PR requests based on the subject status, subjects type, and published by status.  The template comes with a pre-built PR request form that you can share anywhere on your website, blogs, or via a direct link.  The template also includes different views for visualizing the press release list based on status and date of publishing.  Who can use Stackby’s Press Release Request Management Template?  Stackby’s press release request management template is useful for PR agencies or marketing agencies who are handling the public relations of different clients.  How will Stackby’s Press Release Request Management Template help you?  Our press release request management template will help you bring all your team together and manage the PR request process in real-time. It will make the whole workflow of PR request management much easier for you. With this template, you will be able to do the following: Manage all the PR requests from different channels in one place Track the status of the press release requests (Due, Approved, Pending, Rejected, etc) Record the contact name for every PR request  Record the press release date for every PR request you receive  Store the description of the press release request  Track the type of PR requests you receive (Event, Daily News, Hiring Updates, etc) Track the details of the press release for every request that you receive  Track the press release associated with every contact  Keep a record of the publication website  Store details of PR contacts (Photograph, Phone Number, Email, PR request send, Number of requests sent, Number of press releases approved, Number of press releases pending, etc) Take your organizational skills a step further by incorporating various automation, security, and privacy features that Stackby has to offer to you and smoothen your workflow even more. Use our Press release request management template right away and enhance your productivity.
PR Agency CRM Template By Stackby Templates
PR Agency CRM
Are you a PR agency looking for ways to manage your projects, handle your clients and track your team's progress? If yes, then you must try Stackby’s PR Agency CRM template. This is a pre-built template, created by our experts for PR agencies who want to: Start building/ maintaining their contact lists  Understand what is important for their contacts Keep in touch with their clients and contacts  Monitor their pitches & team's activities  Collaborate with the team to get things done  Stay up to date on every project/client  Measure the results  CRM or Customer Relationship Management can help Public Relations (PR) teams to manage their interactions with their current and potential clients. As we all know that a CRM is not just about maintaining and managing contacts, but is about building and managing relationships with your clients. So, public relations teams can take advantage of this feature of a CRM tool and nurture their client relationships in a more organized fashion. Top 3 benefits of using our pre-built CRM for public relations: Manage contacts in a breeze: Say goodbye to spreadsheets and store all your press contacts in one place. Our PR Agency CRM template can be further used to store complete details of your contacts like their social media handles, files, documents, contracts, meeting history, payments, invoices, email correspondence, and much more!  Follow-up consistently: No need to go back and forth with your clients or PR contacts for confirming the meeting timings. You can keep a track of your schedule from your PR Agency CRM, take meeting notes, and share the details of your meetings with your team.  Track your progress: If you want to track which of your PR pitches got approved, how many pitches got published, what’s the community size of every publication where your brand got exposure and so on, you can use this CRM template.  Who can use Stackby’s PR Agency CRM Template?  Our pre-built template of CRM for PR agencies is useful for PR agencies or marketing agencies who are handling the public relations of different clients.  How will Stackby’s PR Agency CRM Template help you?  The CRM template for PR agencies by Stackby includes three separate tables to monitor and record your progress in article creations, publications, and press contacts respectively. With this template, you will be able to do the following: Monitor all the PR articles that you are creating  Attach briefs related to every article  Store the links for every article so that you can access them at any time  Track which articles are published under which publication  Store the date and time of publication of the articles  Maintain any notes related to PR articles  Track all the publications and their status (Trade publications, online articles, blog, etc) Track the contacts related to every publication  Keep a record of the press contacts (publication, face shot, email address, community size, articles, etc) Using our PR agency CRM template is safe and secure. It is much more than keeping a track of your tasks in a spreadsheet. Now you can organize all your PR-related tasks for every client in a much robust way and share the project with your team members and/or clients, all at the same time.Related Template: Product Competitor Analysis
Fundraising CRM template by Stackby Templates
Fundraising CRM
Raising funds is a crucial part of growing any organization, but managing investor relationships, tracking potential leads, and keeping your pitch materials organized can be overwhelming. Stackby’s Fundraising CRM Template is designed to simplify the fundraising process, providing a centralized and efficient way to manage all your fundraising activities. Whether you're a startup founder, a nonprofit director, or part of a fundraising team, this template will help you stay organized and focused on achieving your fundraising goals. Why Use the Fundraising CRM Template? Centralize Your Fundraising Efforts Managing fundraising activities often involves juggling multiple contacts, pitches, and follow-ups. Stackby’s fundraising event software centralizes all this information, making it easy to track and manage your efforts in one place. This comprehensive approach helps ensure that no opportunity slips through the cracks. Streamline Communication Effective communication is key to successful fundraising. This fundraising database software allows you to keep detailed records of all interactions with investors and contacts, ensuring that you can follow up appropriately and maintain strong relationships. By having all your communication history in one place, you can provide a personalized and professional experience to each potential investor. Organize Your Pitch Materials Having your pitch materials organized and easily accessible is crucial for making a strong impression on investors. Stackby’s template includes a dedicated space for managing your pitch decks, ensuring that you can quickly access and share them when needed. This organization helps you present a polished and prepared image to potential investors. Key Tables Managed with This Template Investors The Investors table is where you manage all information related to potential and current investors. This table helps you keep track of key details, such as investment history, interests, and engagement levels. Key Fields in the Investors Table: Investor Name Logo Total funding Total investors Associated contacts By organizing investor information in this table, you can ensure that you are well-prepared for every interaction and can tailor your pitch to each investor’s specific interests. Contacts The Contacts table helps you manage all other important contacts related to your fundraising efforts, such as advisors, partners, and leads. Keeping these contacts organized ensures that you can effectively leverage your network to support your fundraising goals. Key Fields in the Contacts Table: Contact Name Organization Investment type Investor type Days since last contacted Amount promised Having a clear overview of all your contacts allows you to strategically engage with your network and maximize your fundraising potential. Pitch Deck The Pitch Deck table is where you manage all your pitch materials. This includes storing different versions of your pitch deck, tracking feedback, and preparing for presentations. Keeping your pitch materials organized helps you make a strong and consistent impression on potential investors. Key Fields in the Pitch Deck Table: Pitch Deck Name Pitch collaborator Investors Focus area Link to Document By having all your pitch materials easily accessible, you can quickly respond to investor inquiries and ensure that you are always presenting the most current and polished version of your pitch. Fundraising can be a challenging but rewarding process, and Stackby’s Fundraising CRM Template is here to make it easier. With organized tables for managing investors, contacts, and pitch decks, this is the best fundraising crm that provides the structure and tools you need to streamline your fundraising efforts and achieve your goals. Start using Stackby’s Fundraising CRM Template today and take your fundraising to the next level!  Other CRM templates to try: Small Business CRM Template PRn and Media CRM Template Dealflow CRM Template
Real Estate CRM Template by Stackby Templates
Real Estate CRM
While managing real estate, agents may encounter tons of unexpected problems if the data collected upon the brokering real estate is not well organized. This problem canbe solved easily with Stackby’s Real Estate CRM Template. How will Stackby’s Real Estate Management Template help your business? This Stackby template allows the manager to record all the necessary details such as the property's value, depreciation, date of establishment, land used, etc. They can provide the customers with the same knowledge during the buying/selling of the estate. The template projects the estate status, its current owner, and the indoor and outdoor provisions, allowing the estate manager and the customers to preview the property thoroughly.  The property's price and the discounts are displayed through this template that helps the manager avoid any monetary confusion.  The visible list of engagement with the advertisements and the interested customers are easier to review with the list of details of the buyer(s) or any other persons interacting with the manager.  The property estimation feature avoids the trouble of calculating the property value every time an interested person calls in.  Moreover, the property details can be changed according to the fluctuations in the real estate features.  The Real Estate CRM Template is the quick solution to meet the manager and the client's needs and create a trust bond. It is especially effective because this template simplifies the manager's work while also improving efficiency.  Who will be finding this template useful? Real Estate Management Companies and private real estate brokers will be finding this of great assistance.Check out more related Templates : Business Development CRM Construction Project ManagementLease Tracker Dealflow CRM
Customer Persona Template by Stackby Templates
Customer Persona
Regardless of your company's nature or scope, your customers are an essential part of your business. Every decision you make directly or indirectly impacts or depends on the customer or client you are working for. What are Customer Personas? Customer personas, or buyer personas, give you an overview of your customers' needs and requirements. They help you understand the customer's fundamental traits and characteristics. This increases the chances of customer acquisition and retention. Companies that devote substantial time and resources to building customer personas are more successful in the long run. A well-designed customer persona will give you insights into what the customer is looking for and enable you to reach them with relevant, timely information. This will allow you to tailor your messages, content, marketing strategies, and product to meet the customer’s expectations. Are you facing difficulty managing the personas and details of multiple customers? Are you tired of maintaining numerous spreadsheets to store all the data? If your answer is yes, then you've come to the right place! Stackby has a solution to make things easy for you - the Customer Persona Template. We have created a state-of-the-art Customer Persona Template that will reduce your work and effort exponentially! You can record and update all relevant customer information from a single platform. Here’s how you can use the Customer Persona Template to your advantage. The template allows you to: Record the details of all your clients and customers in one place. Store the job title of your customers. They can be small business owners, marketers, freelance developers, designers, product managers, project leaders, etc. Attach a picture of the customer to your template for future use. Store the contact details of each customer, including phone number and email address. This will facilitate smooth communication and help avoid any misunderstandings. You can record the satisfaction rating for each customer in this template. This rating will give you an idea about the performance of your company in terms of customer experience. Monitor the current plan of a customer. It can be an enterprise, economy, personal, or business. Track the priority status of the customers (High/ Medium/ Low). According to the priority status of a customer, you can allow your team's time and resources. Keep track of the pain points of a particular customer. Pain points refer to problems that customers experience while interacting with your company. Store the name of the collaborator for each pain point. You can sort the data according to the job title or the pain points using the template's multiple views. Increase your chances of acquiring new customers and growing your company's revenue by building high-quality personas with Stackby's Customer Persona Template! Copy the stack and start using it today!
Customer Journey Map Template By Stackby Templates
Customer Journey Map
The success of your company depends on several factors. Customer experience is one of them. Your best and most advanced product will not contribute to the company’s profits if the customer is not satisfied with his or her experience in your company. Customer experience is as important as your product’s quality and price. How can you ensure that your customers are satisfied? The answer lies in a customer journey map. It is the process that allows a company to understand its customers and the journey they take when they interact and deal with your company.  It is a tool that helps you understand the obstacles faced by your customers at different stages and their level of satisfaction with your company’s service. To visualize the journey of a customer, companies create customer journey maps detailing the customer’s experience from start to finish. Therefore, a Customer Journey Map Template is a must-have for most businesses. Why is Customer Journey Mapping important? Customer journey maps can be a little difficult to draw at the initial stages, but it’s worth the effort. Why? Here’s why customer journey mapping is important: It gives you an overview of your customer’s journey. It allows you to anticipate any possible issues that may arise by analysing past customer journeys. You can use the customer journey map to isolate the areas where customer’s expectations are not matching the actual experience. Improved customer experience will directly lead to enhanced brand loyalty and high referral rates. It is a cost-effective method to improve the customer journey and attract new customers in the process. However, the process of creating a customer journey map is slightly tedious. It involves multiple steps and requires the collaboration of various departments. You need a template that will allow you to simplify and streamline the entire process. That’s where our Customer Journey Map template can be of help.  Who will this template benefit? This Customer Journey Map Template will be helpful for marketers, marketing teams, sales team, customer support teams, business owners, SMEs and Agencies. How will Stackby’s Customer Journey Map Template help you? Using Stackby’s Customer Journey Map Template, you will be able to: Record the details of each company or organization that you’re dealing with and the corresponding contact person. You can store the photograph, current role, and contact details of each contact person. Monitor the current stage of the customer’s journey (Trial/ Onboarding/ Sales/ Upgrading/ Flatline/ Dead) in the customer journey map template. Record the details of the manager in charge of the accounts. You can record the date set for the next meeting with the customer. Along with this, you can also set the meeting agenda. Add the tasks that need to be completed for each client/ customer. You can also add notes or comments to help your team members. Check if the tasks are under capacity or need to be delegated. Track the current status of each customer. The template allows you to rate the ongoing customer relationship with the company. Update and monitor the details as and when required. Download our Customer Journey Map Template for free and improve your customers’ overall experience! You will also find these templates helpful: Customer Testimonials, Customer Sucess Management, Customer Persona 
Personal CRM Template by Stackby Templates
Personal CRM
Personal CRM system’s basic and critical feature is keeping track of communications with the customer, maintaining an updated database, planning and reminding about follow-ups, updating the lead status, and scheduling future communications with any converted clients.  Maintaining multiple channels for every other business need can prove to be quite difficult. It is easier to keep track of all the requirements through one singular platform. This is where Stackby’s Personal CRM template comes in.  What is a Personal CRM? Personal CRM is a centralized contact management tool to manage all your personal and professional contacts to keep track of future communication and staying in touch. A Personal CRM template provides people with a starting point looking forward to using spreadsheet-based CRM solutions. It is designed for easy and quick use and better accessibility.  The Personal CRM template will be best suited for entrepreneurs, small business owners, freelancers, contractors, or just anybody looking to forward their work or career. It is quite flexible to assist anyone trying to grow and systematically cultivate their network & business.  Who will find this Personal CRM template useful? This template is useful for any individual, business owner, managers, business development teams, sales individuals & SMEs.  How will Stackby’s free Personal CRM Template help you? Stackby's free Personal CRM template will help you organize and track all your clients and relations.  Using this free Personal CRM template, you will be able to:  Record the details of all your clients on the same platform.  Track each client's title (Small Business Owner/ Marketer/ YouTuber/ Analyst/ Project Leader/ etc.). Record the current location in each case.  Store the contact details of each client. This includes the phone number and email address. Track the date of the last meeting.  Store the details of the current employer of each client.  Add notes in each case, if necessary. You can also track the number of clients from each location separately. Similarly, you can also keep a record of the number of clients under a particular employer.  Monitor and update the details as and when needed.  The free Personal CRM template is completely customizable. You can have the layout of the information the way you want and continue to customize it to match with your network management preference.  Benefits of using Stackby's Personal CRM Template: Track all of your network and contacts in a single place from university to your work life.  Never miss a relationship due to forgetfulness or plain laziness, you never know who can be of help and when.  Nurture all your relationships with proper reminders, days passed since last followups and your last conversations.  Track all the todos and make your network strong with each passing day.  30 mins of using this Personal CRM every week would help you keep track of all your relationships.   Copy the Personal CRM stack and start using the best Personal CRM template today!   You might also find these templates useful:  Dealflow CRM  Fundrasing CRM  Customer Development  Lightweight CRM 
Boost sales with the sales pipeline template from Stackby Templates
Sales Pipeline
Whether you’re running a start-up venture or a well-established company, the sales department controls a crucial aspect of your overall workflow process. It is the department that brings in the revenue, so you might even say that it forms the linchpin of your entire organization! The sales department plays the most vital role in the success of your business and is responsible for providing the customers with what they’re looking for. It contributes immensely towards the company’s growth, not just in monetary terms, but by helping you retain your existing customers by providing the best possible service. The effort and hard work put in by your product development team and marketing team will fail to produce tangible results if your sales pipeline is not working efficiently. As a result, ensuring the smooth functioning of your sales pipeline is paramount for your company. This is why a Sales Pipeline template also becomes integral to your business. What is the sales pipeline? Put in simple words, a sales pipeline is a visual representation of your sales process. It will show you the exact position of a particular deal in the sales funnel and help you analyze and overcome obstacles if any happen to arise. It allows you to analyze if your current strategy is working in your favor and gives you a comprehensive idea of which activities are generating the maximum revenue. A sales pipeline gives a detailed insight into your sales process, the current status of your deals, details of upcoming deals, and other information crucial to your sales department. The format of a sales pipeline is not static. It depends on the requirements and nature of your company. It is up to you to customize the process to reap the maximum benefit. Depending on how you contact leads and process products, your sales pipeline can have five, six, or even eight stages. However, keeping a firm grasp on the entire process is often a tedious and tricky task. To make your job easier, Stackby has created a state-of-the-art Sales Pipeline Template! Now you can manage and monitor every detail on a single interface. How will Stackby’s Sales Pipeline Template help you achieve your goal? Using our customizable, user-friendly sales pipeline template, you will be able to: Record details of each deal on the same platform. Store the corresponding company name and the representative assigned to each company. Track the source of the particular deal (Email Campaign/ Website/ Previous Client/ VoIP Call/ etc.). Assign a priority status to each deal to coordinate related tasks. Track the current status of the deal (Won/ Lost/ Negotiating/ etc.). Record the tentative deal date and the last contacted date for the same deal. Track the expected sales value and weighted value for each deal. Add comments, if necessary, to each deal to help your sales team get a better understanding of the same. Track the number of deals made by each representative on the sales pipeline template and check if they have fulfilled their assigned quota. Monitor and update the details in your Kanban pipeline as and when required. Now your sales team won’t have to go through multiple databases to track the status and probability of the deals they negotiate! Use this easy to adopt sales pipeline template for your sales reps and boost your profits. Checkout other related Template Sales Pipeline Sales Asset Management  
Multiple Product CRM Template By Stackby Templates
Multiple Product CRM
Manage multiple products and monitor sales targets along with the performance of sales agents to meet client expectations using Stackby’s Multiple Product CRM Template. How Stackby's Multiple Product CRM Template helps you ? Is your product up to date with the latest trends? Are customers satisfied with your service? Are you meeting your quarterly sales targets? Which products are bringing in the maximum revenue? Who is the highest performing sales agent of your company? These questions are essential for your company. Answering them regularly gives you a detailed overview of your product’s performance.  Why every organisation needs a Multiple Product CRM Template ? To achieve its goals and objectives, a company formulates a detailed sales process or plan. This involves generating potential leads, managing customer relations, tracking product performance, negotiating profitable deals, and monitoring sales targets. A robust, well-thought-out plan keeps all the departments focused and delineates priorities for your company. This process becomes even more cumbersome than usual if your company manufactures and sells multiple products. Looking for an efficient and easy method to keep track of your clients, products, and various sales targets? Do you want to improve the performance of your sales team? Well, we have the answer! Stackby has developed its own Multiple Product CRM Template to assist you in your sales process. This easy-to-use Multiple Product CRM Template will record all your ongoing and upcoming deals and corresponding clients on one platform. It will ensure that you meet and, if possible, exceed your sales target and, in turn, boost your revenue and the profitability of your company. With our Multiple Product CRM Template, you will now be able to: Store all your client names and related details in one place. Record each deal negotiated with a particular client and the corresponding sales quarter. Assign a sales agent to each client to ensure that the deal goes through smoothly, and the client is satisfied. Record the products that are a part of the deal and the family series they belong to. Monitor the total sales value of the deal to analyse which clients are contributing the most to your annual revenue. Track the base price and selling price of each product along with the total quantity sold to date. Record the profit amount, profit percentage, and total profit earned concerning each product. This will give you an idea of the overall market performance of your products. You can then redirect your resources towards the most profitable and well-received product. Monitor the status of all your ongoing deals and the closing date of each one. Track your quarter-wise sales target and monitor if your sales team has met or exceeded the target set at the beginning of the year. Monitor the performance of all your sales agents in great detail.   Stackby’s Multiple Product CRM Template is an all-in-one solution to all your sales tracking needs.  Copy the stack today and manage all your products and customer relations in a single place. If you're looking for a basic CRM template, check out the Sales CRM template .  Check out other related Template :Business Development CRM Agile Product Planning TemplateDealflow CRM Product Roadmaps
Sales Asset Management Template By Stackby Templates
Sales Asset Management
Starting from the product development team to the customer service team, every team of your company contributes in one way or the other to the success of the product. Somewhere in the middle of this workflow process is the sales team which has the most crucial job of all! You can design the best product in the market and employ the most effective marketing strategies. However, none of it will amount to anything if your sales team cannot manage its assets and function efficiently! That’s why every company needs a Sales Asset Management Template. What is Sales Asset Management? Sales asset management is the process and strategy employed by a company to manage its multiple sales assets. This includes internal reference materials, presentation decks, whitepapers, demos, and landing pages. An effective sales asset management plan will enhance the efficiency and productivity of your sales processes. It will enable your sales team to get access to the right content at precisely the right time. Asset management also makes sure that all your content is up-to-date and relevant to the current sales strategy. However, the process of sales asset management can often be quite chaotic. Having trouble tracking and updating all your sales stacks and whitepapers? We have a solution. Solve all your asset management problems with our custom-made Sales Asset Management Template! Enable your sales team to save a ton of time by giving them access to our asset management template. From sales decks to demos and landing pages, your sales team can now store and update every asset with the click of a single button. Using our Asset Management Template, you can now: Track all your sales assets on one platform. Get instant access to the sales asset details whenever needed. Record the name of each sales asset (Deck/ Whitepaper/ Demo/ Landing Page). Record the category each asset belongs to (Video/ Printed Brochure/ Document/ Link/ etc.). Add attachments related to each asset, if any. Store the website link of the asset, if any. Add an industry category to each asset (Film Production/ Fashion/ HR and Recruitment/ Event Management/ etc.). Record the plan for each asset. Add the market targeted by each asset (Asian/ American/ European/ African/ Australian/ etc.). Record the date each asset was created on. Record the date when the same asset was last updated. Store the usage policy and current status of each asset. Record the name of the asset creator/ owner. Update the details as and when required. With Stackby’s Sales Asset Management Template, you can now simplify the work of your sales team instantly! Copy the stack and start using it today to boost your sales performance!Related Template: Sales Pipeline  
Customer Testimonials Template By Stackby Templates
Customer Testimonials
How Stackby's Customer Testimonials Template will help ? How do you know if a particular marketing strategy, sales process, or product launch has been beneficial for your company? The answer to this question lies in customer testimonials. Customer feedback or testimonial is the response or information given by a customer regarding any aspect of your company. From marketing to customer service, feedback from your users will help you understand if the current strategy you employ is working in your favor. Customer testimonials give you much-needed insight into what the client is looking for and how you can modify your strategy to meet their expectations. Therefore, utilizing a Customer Testimonials Template can significantly boost your business.  Why is customer feedback important? Allows you to analyze customer behaviour and understand customer needs.  Measure and enhance customer satisfaction. Increase customer retention and brand perception. Add new customers and improve referral rate. Lends a voice to the customer in the working of your organization Provides you an outside-in view of your company. Gives you an insight into what you can do to improve your product and service. Increases the responsiveness and credibility of your company. Online reviews improve your web presence and ranking in search engines. A company that takes its customer feedback seriously and uses it to address its shortcomings is more likely to succeed in the long run. Customers are inclined to stay loyal to your product if they feel that their response was taken seriously by you. It will also help you stay up to date with the constantly changing customer requirements and make your product and company more dynamic.  Looking for the best way to record and respond to customer feedback? Your search is over! Stackby has created a Customer Testimonials Template to help you track your customer testimonials. Is the client happy with your product and service? Are they satisfied with the customer service you provide? Is your product up to date with the latest trend? Does it fulfill all your client’s requirements?  Whether it’s customer testimonials or case study surveys, you can manage everything using this template. With the Customer Testimonials Template, you will be able to: Store all your customer feedback in one place. Record the list of companies that have provided customer feedback. Store details concerning the company, including, but not limited to, industry type, employee strength, and company logo. Monitor the total number of testimonials by each company to date. Record the name of the individual from each company who gave the feedback. Record the designation of the individual within the company. Store the testimonial given along with any case study file and related synopsis. Add and update testimonials as and when required. Understand your customers better with this user-friendly Customer Testimonials Template!
Product Catalog Template - Stackby Templates
Product Catalog
Every online, B2C, retail, or e-commerce business must ensure that its products are accessible online, trusted, and convert well. This is possible with an effective product catalog. If your products are not described well, it will be hard to find potential customers. Stackby’s product catalog template is a streamlined way to organize your product catalog management and track what’s working for you and what’s not.  What is Product Catalog Management? Product catalog management is the process of managing your product catalog so that all your marketing and sales channels contain high-quality product data. It includes how you organize, standardize, and publish your product across each sales channel. Why do you need a Product Catalog? Memorizing information about every product’s features is a difficult task. Making a product catalog and scribbling all the information related to the product helps the sellers and the customers make a purchasing decision. A product catalog template can help you keep track of all your products and the related information. You can use it to have easy access to all the products you have, the ones you have ordered, and those you still need to order. You can easily pull up information about any and all the products you have or sold. You can add images, add notes, and customize it. You can also use a product catalog template to categorize the products according to their build, vendor, or any way you like. Challenges Businesses face in Product Catalog Management and Tracking 1. Involvement of team and stakeholders It often becomes difficult for sales and marketing teams and other stakeholders to collaborate and ensure a smooth product catalog management process. This might lead to serious consequences such as differences in the units of measurement etc.  2. High-quality description & imagery Since there is no streamlined process, it often becomes difficult for businesses to create simplified, easy-to-understand product descriptions and add the right images/files to depict it. They need to consider the customers’ perspectives here.  3. Scope of growth When you are not tracking your product catalog efficiently, it often becomes tough to analyze the gaps in your efforts. This problem multiplies when you are trying to expand your catalog. Stackby’s Product Roadmap template can also be of good use here.  4. Finding the right catalog management tool Many businesses suffer because they are unable to find the right platform where their team can connect and collaborate to work upon the product catalogs, and share it with the right people (clients, vendors etc.)  Stackby’s product catalog template helps overcome all the challenges that businesses often face while creating and managing product catalogs.  How to Fix your Product Catalog Management? 1. Organize the descriptions  If your product attributes are messy, it will become much more difficult to intrigue customers. So, first, you need to ensure that all your team and stakeholders are on the same page. If you are building your own product, check out our Product Launch template.   2. Manage your product data  Make sure all your product data, descriptions, and other related information is organized if you want to expand your product line and business. This way you will be able to identify which strategies have worked in the past.  3. Specify roles and authorization flows  Make sure your team members know their exact roles and responsibilities when changing the product catalog database. This way you can ensure data quality and minimum redundancy.  Who can use Stackby’s Product Catalog Template? Stackby’s Product Catalog template can be used by e-commerce or online business owners, retailers, traders, suppliers, product managers, sales and marketing teams, or anyone who manages the creation and management of product catalogs for a business.  How is Stackby's Product Catalog Template Helpful for You? Our product catalog template can streamline how your team works. It can help you keep track of all your products, their description, features, benefits, price, and more. With this template, you can do the following: Keep a track of all your products, their types, and images. Keep a record of price, color, and size for every product.  Track the inventory for each product such as the number of items available, whether a product is in stock or not.  Add and manage the description of the products. Record the total sale of every product and the number of items sold.  Monitor the clients and dealers for every product  Add and track client details like the order number, order ID, billing address, phone number, product bought, etc.  Track every order detail such as order ID, order date, item name, status, invoice, bill number, price per unit, quantity, total cost, client name, etc.  Track and monitor the dealer details such as name, address, rating, phone number, year established, email, products, price, quantity, invoice, etc.  Other templates you can use along with Product Catalog Template:  Multiple Product CRM Template Product Inventory Template  Product Competitor Analysis Template. Agile Product Planning Template  Product Roadmaps 
Lightweight CRM Template by Stackby Templates
Lightweight CRM
Customer relationship management can be quite complex. This is why many small businesses, entrepreneurs, and business managers look for a lightweight CRM. So, Stackby came up with an easy-to-use, simple, lightweight CRM template that will help you get started at organizing all your contacts & deals in minutes. How Stackby's lightweight CRM template can help you ? Save time: No more wasting time on manual work and repetitive sales tasks. Automate your CRM process and save time.  Customize: You can alter the lightweight CRM template as per your business requirements and customize it for your team.  Collaborate: With the lightweight CRM template, you can sell together as a team. Stackby provides real-time collaboration so that your team can stay on track.  Read more: (How to) Build your Personal CRM in Minutes   Who can use the lightweight CRM template? Stackby’s lightweight CRM template is for startup founders, entrepreneurs, small business owners, sales managers, marketing and sales teams, and PR firms who want to build and maintain relationships with their customers. What are the features of Stackby’s Lightweight CRM template? Track all sales activities Track all leads and deal activities Import all leads/contacts from Google Sheets or CSV files  Track sales pipelines and investor pipelines  Manage all your tasks in one place  Get a snapshot for sales performance Customize our lightweight CRM template for further benefits: Use Stackby forms to add detai ls o f every new lead/ contact and manage your data.  Send email or a message automatically to your customers/ leads/ contacts and never miss an opportunity to connect with them. Integrate your CRM tool with any third-party application like Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Sheets and collaborate.  Password-protect your important CRM data using Stackby’s view protection powerup feature. Visualize your entire sales or deals pipeline using Kanban, Calendar and Gallery Views.  Other customer relationship management templates for you: PR Media and CRM Template  Small Business CRM Template   Personal CRM Template   Fundraising CRM Template  PR Agency CRM Template 
Business Development CRM Template - Stackby Templates
Business Development CRM
A major part of any firm's goodwill rests on the business relationship network it forms through business deals, partnerships, affiliations, and sponsorships. Stackby provides you with a Business Development CRM Template that records and maintains a firm's customer relationships that are critical to the work of the organization. . What is Business Development CRM Template ? A Business Development CRM Template is a pre-designed framework that integrates Customer Relationship Management (CRM) principles with business development strategies. It serves as a centralised hub to track leads, manage contacts, analyse sales pipelines, and streamline communication. This template helps businesses to stay organised, focused, and agile in their pursuit of growth. Types of BDA Templates Lead Tracking Templates: Monitor and manage potential leads through various stages of the sales funnel. Facilitate collaboration among team members for effective lead conversion. Contact Management Templates: Consolidate and organise contact information for clients, prospects, and stakeholders. Enable efficient communication and personalised engagement with key contacts. Sales Pipeline Templates: Visualise and track the progress of deals through different sales stages. Identify bottlenecks and optimise the sales process for improved efficiency. Communication Log Templates: Document and analyse communication history with clients and leads. Enhance relationship-building by maintaining a comprehensive interaction record.  How will the business development CRM template be helpful? It provides the firm with an organized outline of the business relationship. This allows them to distribute their attention and resources equally amongst all the parties involved in the project. The template allows the firm to track the date of commencement and the date of termination of the business deal. The template, once updated, provides a thorough insight into the details of the business partner. This includes their field of expertise, the type of industry they belong to, and the amount the business deal is carried upon. The provision of the task feature sorts out any confusion regarding the work done or that needs to be dealt with, thus avoiding any exemption of minute tasks. The contact details and websites can be directly linked through this template. Thus making communication with the customer easier. Any updates regarding the status of the business deal, its nature, and the persons involved can be easily made with ease. The business development CRM template sees that the customers keep their end of the bargain. If any misunderstanding arises, the deal proposal can be easily referred to through the deal details feature. Who will find the Business Development CRM Template helpful? Firms that often carry out deals with more than one partner simultaneously are likely to find this business development CRM template extremely useful. It is essential for B2B firms who base their company’s relevance around dealing with other firms. Upgrade the way you handle your business relationships and ensure you build long-lasting, advantageous relationships by using the Business Development CRM template from Stackby. How to use a Business Development Template with Stackby ? Stackby is a versatile platform that empowers users to create customizable templates for various business needs, including business development. Here's a step-by-step guide: Access Stackby: Sign in to your Stackby account or create one if you haven't already. Choose a Business Development Template: Browse the template library or create a new one based on your specific business development requirements. Customise Your Template: Tailor the template to align with your business processes by adding or removing columns, fields, and views. Import Data: Seamlessly import existing data or manually input information into the template. Collaborate in Real Time: Leverage Stackby's collaborative features to work with your team in real-time, fostering efficient communication and shared insights. Automate Processes: Implement automation features to save time and reduce manual effort, allowing your team to focus on strategic initiatives. Integrate with Other Tools: Connect Stackby with other essential business tools to create a unified ecosystem for your business development efforts. Track and Analyze: Regularly monitor and analyse the data in your template to gain actionable insights and make informed decisions In the fast-paced world of business development, having a structured approach is paramount. Utilising a Business Development CRM Template in conjunction with the powerful features of Stackby can significantly enhance your ability to manage leads, build relationships, and drive sustainable growth for your business. Embrace the efficiency and effectiveness that this dynamic combination brings to your business development endeavours.Check out Related Templates: Dealflow CRMFundrasing CRM 
Customer Development CRM Template by Stackby Templates
Customer Development CRM
Inspired by Steve Blank, this Customer Development CRM allows to you to track and manage your customers, problem statements and features requested.  Customer development is about acquiring, retaining, and developing profitable clients. The term customer development was coined in the 1990s and helps a business in: Discovering and validating the needs of the customers Creating the right product for your customers  Testing correct methods for acquiring and converting customers Using the right resources to meet the demands of the customers  Problems without a Customer Development CRM  A customer development CRM is a tool that can help you streamline the above-listed processes in one place and ensure a successful business. Many businesses, especially startups face issues in customer development such as: Tracking the meeting details with a customer becomes clumsy with spreadsheets and post-it notes.  Employees not knowing whom to contact for a customer-related issue.  Reporting as it becomes a hassle since you have to pull data from various platforms.  Classifying customers and organize contacts can be difficult.  Four Steps of Customer Development CRM Framework Customer Discovery: In this step, a business looks for customers or a market that is suitable for the product that it wants to develop. Stackby has the right resources for customer discovery like a product-market fit system and sales pipeline.    Customer Validation: In this step, you understand that the product that you have will generate you profits and scale your business. You can use Stackby’s marketing strategy template to determine that the mone y you invest in marketing will have its return and also its profit. Customer Acquisition: In this step, you put all your efforts and find customers for your product. You can use Stackby reporting tools to track all the key performance indicators for your project.  Customer Delight: It is the last step in which you keep following the first-three steps in order to scale up your product and match the changing needs of the customers. Use our Customer Development CRM to execute this step.   Stackby’s customer development CRM can turn the tables for you! Add data in one place: Store all the meeting notes in one place and never miss taking follow-ups.  Share reports with your team: Create reports in just one click by importing data from third-party apps to Stackby and instantly share the reports with your team.  Organize contact information: Use more than 25+ column types to store custom er data.  Track issues: Keep a list of issues reported by different customers and streamline working on them.  Who can use Stackby’s Customer Development CRM Template? Stackby’s Customer Development CRM Template can be used by business managers, product teams, marketing teams, sales teams, entrepreneurs, and business owners.  What are the important features of Stackby’s Customer Development CRM Template? Our customer development CRM template includes four tables to track customer details, interview details, problem statements, and add-on features details respectively. With this template, you can: Record all important details of a customer (name, email, category, photo, persona, etc) Track the interview details with every customer  Record the problem statements mentioned in each interview  Store detailed records of every problem statement and the features related to them Track the features to be added to the product based on problem statements given by customers  Other Customer Management Templates to consider: Customer Testimonials Template  Customer Success Management Template  Customer Journey Map Template  Customer Persona Template  Business Development CRM 
Data Enrichment Template By Stackby Templates
Data Enrichment
Generating leads from different sources is one of the most critical tasks in any company. There is a wealth of customer data present and finding the maximum amount of said data will help you land your next client. Enriching the leads generated with the right tool can allow your company to achieve smarter lead scoring and run more personalized email campaigns. Data enrichment tools enhance your collected customer data and make it more useful for targeting potential clients. This lead data collected is further used for marketing purposes and has a greater chance of being converted into actual customers. Data enrichment has an extremely high return on investment. Therefore, utilizing our Data Enrichment Template is a no-brainer.  What is Clearbit, and how will it help you?  Clearbit is an online tool that is used for finding contact numbers and email addresses of potential customers. It has a high accuracy rate and is a reliable software used by top companies of the world. It automatically updates your sales record and provides verified, and quality company contact information. It provides a clear method to manage sales activities. With the Person Enrichment API from Clearbit, you can get a detailed background of a person and their corresponding company profile based on an email address or a website domain. It allows you to get access to the individual’s name, location, social handles, and company designation. Every company develops its strategy to record and enrich customer lead data. Are you looking for a way to simplify the entire process for your company? If the answer is yes, then you’ve come to the right place. With this Company Data Enrichment Template, storing and updating lead information will be a walk in the park.  Bid adieu to the days of maintaining multiple databases and spreadsheets for your client and company information. Stackby’s Data Enrichment Template allows you to monitor every detail about them from a single interface.  Using our tailor-made data enrichment template, you will now be able to: Keep detailed records of all the potential customers in one place. Import data automatically from Clearbit directly to your enrichment template. Add a description to each company for a better understanding of the same. Record the year in which the company was founded and its current employee strength. Monitor the company’s global site rank and the current number of AngelList followers. Add information generated from the Person Enrichment API to the template. Store the full name and current location of your company contacts/leads. Record the current title of the individual in the company and add a description to the same. Get access to other personal information including, but not limited to, the alma mater of the concerned person. Import and update details as and when required. Generate new leads every day and enrich the collected data without breaking a sweat with Stackby’s Data Enrichment Template and manage your CRM with ease. 
B2B Lead Generation Template By Stackby Templates
B2B Lead Generation
The marketing world in a dynamic arena that is constantly changing every minute. With technology becoming an integral part of our everyday routine, companies have increased their focus on online marketing. Companies are likely to spend more than 90 percent of their marketing budget on digital strategies in the coming years. With new strategies and avenues taking over the online marketing arena, is email marketing still relevant?  The answer is yes! And so is our B2B Lead Generation Template. It is a cost-effective and easy-to-use marketing strategy that continues to be relevant even today. It allows you to send personalized content to potential clients and increases your brand awareness. With a click rate six times greater than that of tweets, emails help drive your website traffic.  What is the most critical aspect of planning & executing an effective B2B lead generation campaign? The email lead list! Without a well-maintained database of email addresses, how will you conduct an email campaign? Gathering and collecting maximum potential customers’ email addresses will increase the scope and extent of your marketing strategy. Email lists allow you to segregate and focus on individuals who are most likely to show an interest in your product. It is also essential to make sure that your email lead list has been verified and checked to eliminate any defunct email addresses. How to create an email list? With the help of Hunter Email Finder, you can generate the most extensive email list ever! Hunter Email Finder is one of the most accurate and widely used tools today. Facing difficulty keeping track of all your generated leads? The days of going through multiple scattered databases for your email campaign are over! Stackby has developed its own Lead List Builder Template. You can now store and update all your lead lists on one platform using the B2B Lead Generation Template. The Lead List Builder Template will allow you to import all your data from Hunter Email Finder API directly to your template. The entire process is automated, and you don’t have to do the same work manually anymore. Using our B2B Lead generation template, you can: Automatically bring email IDs from your leads using Hunter email finder API.  Store your target lead list generated using Hunter email finder. Record the details concerning each company URL Check whether a particular email address has been verified or not. Track the deliverability of each email address. Record the confidence score of the email addresses. Check if the given address is deliverable or risky. Assign a reach status to each email (Yes/ No). Track the total emails available for a particular company in the Hunter database. Check whether they belong to the executive, marketing, or HR category. Keep your lead list current and updated. Stackby’s Lead List Builder Template is a one-stop solution to all your email campaigning problems! Check out this quick use-case video on how you can automate your email lead lists and build your B2B lead generation process. Check out More Related Templates: Google Search Console Report Google Analytics Report Facebook Ad Campaign
Dealflow CRM Template By Stackby Templates
Dealflow CRM
Deal-flow CRM template from Stackby will help you visualize your whole deal-flow pipeline and automate your deal-flow workflows. You can store, organize and manage all the deal-flow data in one place and ensure complete coordination within your team. What is a Deal Flow CRM? Deal flow is often defined as the quantity and quality potential investments available to an investor, firm, or funding institution. The process of managing deal flows more effectively is known as deal flow management. A deal flow CRM template ensures that you do not miss any lucrative opportunity that can change your business forever. Overview of Stackby’s Deal Flow CRM Template Bring all data in one place The Deals table in our deal-flow CRM template enables you to store all the data regarding upcoming and current investment deals such as: deal name, website, company, pitch, priority (high, medium, low), status (diligence, contact, pass, invested), current funding (angle, seed, etc.), description of the deal, sector/ industry, location, meeting time and date, deal raised on date, money raised, post valuation, revenue, run rate, company size, team, sources, etc. Manage information about companies Manage all the details of companies in one place such as name of the company, deal name, sources, contacts of a company, etc. Easy access to company contacts and sources You can store all the details of company contacts like their names, position in the company, email, interactions and so on in the Company Contacts table. Similarly, the Sources table will store data related to the sources of a company such as their name, company, phone, email, contacts, deals, etc. Ensure no gaps in communications The Interactions table helps you ensure synchronized communications with a contact across all channels like phone, email etc. You can keep track of interactions with different contacts and store the details of the interactions as notes for further communication. Manage teams Last, but not least, there is a Teams table that helps you manage which team member is leading which deal and how many deals are being handled by every team member. Other features of our deal-flow CRM template: Startup pitch form Send this form to startups who contact you for investment purposes and add all their data automatically to the deal-flow stack. You can customize the form and change its appearance, add a logo etc. based on your requirements. Filter deals by status Our deal-flow CRM template includes Status kanban view that filters all deals based on their status such as diligence, contact, invested, pass, etc. Filter deals by priority Find which deal is important and which is not using our Priorities kanban view. Ensure better decision-making with Stackby’s deal-flow CRM. Who can use Stackby’s deal-flow tracker template? Staclby’s deal-flow CRM can be used by investment firms, private firms, venture capitalists or angel investors, private equity investors, etc. Don’t risk losing deals because of lack of management Streamline your workflows with Stackby’s deal-flow CRM template and ensure smoother communications with your contacts. Do not let potential deals go out of your reach just because you could not coordinate with your team. Use Stackby’s deal flow management template today. How to use Stackby’s Deal-flow CRM template? Copy the template to your Stackby Workspace to bring in all the tables and sample data. Customize your startup pitch form by adding/removing the fields according to your business requirements. You can even enable email notifications , slack notifications , or MS team notifications to indicate when someone sends a sales pitch to you. Bring your team to collaborate on the deal-flow CRM and streamline your workflow. Other deal-flow templates to try: Deal-flow Management Template Startup deal-flow tracking Template Business Development CRM 
Sales CRM Template By Stackby Templates
Sales CRM
Are you struggling to keep track of your sales management tasks and customer relationships? Do you find it challenging to manage all your sales interactions and opportunities? If yes, look no further than Stackby's Sales CRM Template! This template is a game-changer for businesses looking to effortlessly keep current customers happy while attracting new leads in a breeze.  What is Customer Relationship Management or CRM? Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy that involves managing customer interactions and relationships throughout the customer lifecycle. Its main goal is to improve customer satisfaction, increase loyalty, and drive revenue growth by providing personalized and consistent experiences. What is Sales Management? Sales management refers to the process of leading, organizing, and directing a team of sales professionals to meet or exceed the sales targets of a business.  Why is Sales CRM Important for Your Business? A solid sales management or CRM strategy is a must-have for any small business that wants to thrive and expand right from the get-go. Below are the key reasons to consider:  Improves customer relationships and loyalty by providing personalized experiences. Increases efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks and workflows. Helps identify and prioritize high-value sales opportunities. Provides real-time insights into sales performance and trends. And a lot more.  Digging into Details About Stackby's Sales CRM Template Stackby's Sales CRM Template is an effective tool designed to help businesses seeking to streamline their sales and customer relationship management processes. With its aid, you can manage your company's sales pipeline, keep track of opportunities, and track interactions with potential customers. The best part about this template is that it provides a spreadsheet-style interface that allows you to store and organize all your data in one place, making it easier to manage and monitor your sales activities. Who is This Sales CRM Template for? Stackby's Sales CRM Template is perfect for small businesses and startups who want to manage their sales process effectively. Whether you're just starting or have been in business for years, it can help you streamline your sales management processes and boost your overall sales and revenue. Why Do You Need Stackby's Sales CRM Template? Get organized and stay on top of your sales game with this Sales CRM template! Keep track of all your company dealings in one place - no more scattered information! Store essential company details like industry type, employee strength, and website information. Maintain up-to-date records of all your contacts within these companies. Record contact details, including titles and relevant information. Effortlessly monitor tasks for each company, keep everyone on the same page, and ensure timely completion by adding task notes to keep your team on track. Link tables together to create a Sales KPI tracker specifically designed to monitor and measure the performance of your sales representatives. Assign team leaders for each task for more effective task management. Stay on top of your sales deals and their status (Won/Lost/Negotiating). Update your CRM data regularly for a more accurate and effective system. How to Use This Sales CRM Template? If you have multiple products to keep track of, you may find our Multi Product CRM template useful. If you are focusing on managing strategic partnerships, all you need is to opt for our Business Development CRM template.   For those seeking to manage their personal contacts, the Personal CRM template is an excellent option to consider. Ways to Customize Our Sales CRM Template After copying this template to your Stackby Workspace, you can customize it per your requirements. Let's see how: Add custom fields to capture specific information relevant to your business needs. Create new tables, such as product or lead tables, to expand the functionality of your Sales CRM Template. Utilize filters and views to narrow down and focus on specific data subsets within your CRM. Streamline your workflow by incorporating automation features into your Sales CRM Template. Seamlessly integrate with popular third-party tools like Zapier, Slack, Trello, etc. Tables Included in Our Sales CRM Template Opportunities: It allows you to track the potential deals that your company is currently pursuing. Interactions: This table lets you keep a tab of all the interactions you have with your customers, whether it's through phone calls, emails, or meetings. Companies: It enables you to maintain a comprehensive database of all the companies that you deal with. Contacts: With its aid, you can manage all your contacts in one place. By linking these tables together using Link Column types, you can create relationships and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) for your sales CRM. For example, you can link interactions to specific opportunities or contacts, track the number of interactions per opportunity, or measure the conversion rate from opportunities to closed deals. It enables you to generate meaningful insights, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and generate reports that provide a holistic view of your sales operations and performance. You can also add or import tables depending on your unique requirements. This flexibility allows you to customize the template to suit your business needs and ensure you have all the information you need at your fingertips. Ready to Simplify Your Sales Management Tasks and Customer Relationships? With Stackby's Sales CRM Template, you can manage your sales pipeline and customer relationships more effectively, boosting overall sales and revenue.Try it out today by signing up on Stackby and experience a flawless sales management experience!Check out more related Templates: Business Development CRM Dealflow CRM Fundrasing CRM Customer Development Lightweight CRM Personal CRM 
PR and Media CRM Template By Stackby Templates
PR and Media CRM
Gone are those days of maintaining spreadsheets and post-it notes to organize your PR clients or team. Now, sales, media, and PR professionals can manage their activities with the help of a Customer Relationship Management tool. This will help you streamline your daily tasks and keep all your PR contacts in one place.  What is the PR and Media CRM Template? Stackby brings an easy CRM tool that helps you monitor all your PR and media activities in one place. Here are 4 major benefits of using this template: You can manage your PR contacts: The CRM template allows you to store and manage all your PR and media contacts in one place. You can store all their information like contacts, social media, phone numbers, or even their birthdays! You can have consistent follow-ups: You do not have to go back and forth with your team or check your notes regarding your schedule. You can handle your appointments with your PR clients or contacts from this CRM only.  You can track your publications: If you want to remember which PR article was published at which channel, this CRM template is going to be very useful. It lets you track everything related to PR content such as authors, publish date, publishing channel, etc.  You can develop more personal relationships: The main aim of a CRM is to help you create better relations with your customers/ clients/ contacts. As you collect more and more information about your PR contacts or PR channels you can develop content that would be relevant to them. Thereby, increasing your chances of getting the exposure and making an impression on them at the same time.  Who can use Stackby’s PR and Media CRM Template? This template is useful for PR agencies, PR managers, PR management teams, Marketing teams, and Business owners.  How will Stackby’s PR and Media CRM Template Help You? Stackby’s PR and Media CRM Template makes it much easier for PR management teams to collaborate with each other in real-time. With this template, you will be able to do the following: Track everything about the PR articles that have been published for your business (author, publish date, due date, URL, status, media channel, publication channel, etc) Track and monitor your PR contacts such as their expertise, contact details, status, articles published, publication channels, and so on Manage all your publication channels in one place (articles published, number of articles published, type of publisher, etc) A public relations and media CRM can alter the way you have been working till now. This template gives you a robust structure to maintain your accounts and track your PR publications. Check out other related Templates : Ad Campaign Planning Template Business Development CRM Marketing Asset Management Email Marketing Calender  
PR Outreach Template By Stackby Templates
PR Outreach
PR outreach is the process of reaching out to relevant journalists, influencers, or media outlets with the purpose of introducing your business, building relationships, and increasing brand awareness.  Earlier PR outreach only meant getting backlinks or securing coverage in online magazines. Nowadays, there are plenty of ways to do PR outreach.  How to do PR outreach?  To begin with, you must have a PR outreach plan that includes what you are going to tell the world about your business and where you are going to publish that. Our PR outreach template helps you track all the PR outreach activities that you have planned. You must experiment with different channels and content. Do not limit yourself to just emails. Try using social networks, phone, and networking events and send out different content pitches.  Massing Pitching is generally not advised in PR outreach since every channel has its own PR requirements and you must abide by them. Our PR outreach tracker helps you keep a check on what you are pitching to different channels.  Before you decide to send your pitch to any journalist, editor, or writer, make sure that they will like it. Check the previous PR posts they have released and see whether your pitch matches them. There is no point in sending irrelevant pitches. You can check the Contacts table in our PR outreach template to track this goal.  Who can use Stackby’s PR Outreach Template? This template is useful for PR agencies, PR managers, PR management teams, marketing teams, and business owners.  How will Stackby’s PR Outreach Template Help You?  With the PR Outreach template, you can keep a track of all your PR outreach tasks such as the people you have contacted for PR outreach, the pitches you have used for which channel, your PR outreach contacts, the PR articles that you have created, and so on. This template will help you organize every detail of your PR outreach process.  You can use Stackby’s PR Outreach Template for the following purposes:  Maintain a record of all your PR outreach channels  Keep a record of all your PR outreach contacts, their emails, articles that they have published, pitches shared with them, and so on Track all your PR pitches for different channels, their delivery method (email, blog, etc), audience (customers, prospects, events), etc  Track your PR articles like article created by, publish date, status (published, not published), media channel, and related pitches Track the publications in which you have either sent your pitches or have sent your particles for publication, contacts related to each publication, and the number of articles published If you are looking to streamline your PR outreach process, this template will help you a lot. This template helps you track all your PR outreach activities so that you can make follow-ups, begin new projects, and manage your PR activities easily. Check out other related Templates : Ad Campaign Planning Template Marketing Asset Management Email Marketing Calender